
Pierluigi Paganini February 06, 2013
Threat Report H2 2012 proposed by F-Secure

Today the principal channel for malware diffusion is considered internet, large diffusion of exploit kits and crimeware such as BlackHole, Cool Exploit and Incognito have automated the infection process over the network. Majority of attacks exploits vulnerabilities in large use applications, such as browsers, and the leak of responsive patch management expose users to serious […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 05, 2013
US Department of Energy hit by a sophisticated cyber attack

It seems that suddenly US have discovered to be victim of a serious of cyber espionage campaigns that are targeting every sector from media to military and every time seems that is a must to blame the nightmare China. A report published in 2012 by the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission revealed that “U.S. industry […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 02, 2013
How to fix the BYOD security issues in the workplace

Bring your own device (BYOD) is starting to take off in the workplace, as an increasing number of businesses encourage their employees to use smart phones, tablets or laptops to save costs and to allow their employees to work from any location. Unfortunately, as with all new technologies, there are also a number of risks […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 31, 2013
How PokerAgent botnet has stolen Facebook credentials

We never tire of repeating, social networks are an ideal conduit, due their large diffusion, for the spread of malware, they are used by cybercrime to realize complex fraud schema and by military to conduct offensive operations or cyber espionage campaigns. ESET Security Research has published an interesting analysis on the ‘PokerAgent’ botnet detected during 2012 […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 30, 2013
Security flaws in Universal Plug and Play expose million devices

Rapid7 security firm has published an interesting whitepaper entitled “Security Flaws in Universal Plug and Play” in which reports the result of a research conducted in the second half of 2012 that evaluated the global exposure of UPnP-enabled network devices. Security world has become accustomed to so surprising data, over 80 million unique IPs were identified […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 29, 2013
How the US are preparing to cyber warfare?

Every government conscious of strategic importance of cyber security and of the investments of other countries in cyber warfare capability is improving its effort. Last week I wrote about Russian government and the Putin’s request to reinforce the garrison of the fifth domain, the cyber space, through a series of investment to secure national critical infrastructures […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 28, 2013
The case of SSH backdoor built in Barracuda Networks products

The worst nightmare for security experts, a backdoor hidden in large consume products, once again has become reality, several network appliances from Barracuda Networks Inc. contains a hidden hardware backdoor that allow to attackers to remotely control them. The backdoor, since now undocumented, has been disclosed by the same producer, the devices are configured to […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 27, 2013
#OpLastResort & #OpBigBrother, Anonymous against governments

Someone early this year said the hacktivism phenomena and its symbol Anonymous, will exhausted its strength, sincerely I was shocked by this affirmation because I believe that is not possible to stop an ideology and hacktivism is a form to express the dissent with cyber operations. The Aaron Swartz’s tragedy has raised many questions regarding […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 24, 2013
DARPA on Cyber Targeted-Attack Analyzer program & micro-satellites

Protect the country, population and assets from cyber threats, this is a must for every government, a challenge for  every state, new processes, large investment and innovative researches are the topics most debated in this period. Yesterday I wrote about the Russian government and its commitment to strengthen cyber defense, today I desire to introduce […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 23, 2013
Russian government wants to strengthen its cyber defense,what’s new?

Russian President Vladimir Putin is considered one of the political figures most attentive to the development of a suitable cyber strategy to protect his countries from cyber attacks. Putin is an intelligent man who has always understood the strategic importance of cyberspace, according many experts he has always invested in the development of cyber capabilities, […]