Syrian Electronic Army has conducted first hack of 2014 hitting Skype, the group of hackers want to remind us that nothing is secure and that netizens will never accept the monitoring of NSA operated in support of principal IT companies like Microsoft.
SKYPE “Stop Spying” this is the message sent to Microsoft Skype by the popular group of hackers.
Skype Got hacked by the popular group known to have attacked practically every media agency and principal IT companies, the collective is also known for its support to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
Syrian Electronic Army also hacked Skype’s Facebook page and the official company blog hosted on Skype’s website.
It is the first time that Syria Electronic Army is acting solely with the intent to protest against privacy violation of the US surveillance programme.
Syria Electronic Army took control of Skype Twitter account posting the following messages:
“Stop Spying on People! via Syrian Electronic Army,”
“Don’t use Microsoft emails (hotmail, outlook), They are monitoring your accounts and selling it to the governments.”
In time I’m writing Skype gained again the access to its accounts and has removed all the messages posted by Syria Electronic Army.
The company also posted its own message to ensure that users’ data wasn’t exposed during the hack.
“You may have noticed our social media properties were targeted today. No user info was compromised. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.”stated the official message of the company.
No doubt that this is the first incident of a long series of attacks that groups of hackers and hacktivists will conduct against IT companies to request to stop the Internet monitoring conducted by governments.
(Security Affairs – Skype, Syria Electronic Army)