
XCodeGhost Attack – Is Apple’s Biggest Hack Ever linked to the US Intelligence?

Rumors on the Internet are linking the attack based in XcodeGhost to operations conducted by the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).…

9 years ago

Data breaches, stolen data and their sale in the Dark Web

Trend Micro published a report that explains the dynamics triggered by data breaches, following data from the incidents to their…

9 years ago

OPM stolen data includes 5.6 Million Fingerprints

According to the a statement by OPM Press Secretary Sam Schumach on Background Investigations Incident OPM breach included 5.6 Million…

9 years ago

China spies on airline passengers with IMSI-catchers

The popular expert John McAfee claims passengers with four Chinese airlines are spied with the IMSI-catchers technology by the Government…

9 years ago

Targeted attacks on 4Chan and 8Chan exploited bot code in Imgur

Recently a serious vulnerability was discovered in the Imgur service that allowed the injection of malicious code into an image…

9 years ago

Access Private Photos and Contacts Without a Passcode on iOS 9 devices

A hacker has found a way to access images and contacts stored on Apple iOS 9 devices even if they…

9 years ago

Find a zero-day exploit to hack IOS 9 and win a $1m prize

Zerodium is an Exploit trader and it's offering a million dollar prize to any person that finds zero-day flaws in…

9 years ago

Korean Govt child monitoring app is full of bugs exposing minors at risks

Researchers from Citizen Lab and German security firm Cure53 analyzed the Govt child monitoring app Smart Sheriff discovered that it…

9 years ago

3 flaws in StarBucks websites open its users to attacks

The Egyptian security researcher Mohamed M. Fouad has spotted three critical vulnerabilities in the StarBucks website that open users to…

9 years ago

A string could be used to crash Google Chrome

It seems incredible, but as already happened for Skype it is possible to crash the latest version of Google Chrome…

9 years ago

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