
Pierluigi Paganini February 09, 2023
Experts published a list of proxy IPs used by the pro-Russia group Killnet

SecurityScorecard’s researchers released a list of proxy IPs used by the pro-Russia group Killnet to neutralize its attacks. SecurityScorecard’s researchers published a list of proxy IPs used by the pro-Russia group Killnet with the intent to interfere with its operation and block its attacks. “To help organizations better protect themselves, SecurityScorecard has published a list of […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 07, 2023
Anonymous leaked 128GB of data stolen from Russian ISP Convex revealing FSB’s warrantless surveillance

The popular collective Anonymous has leaked 128 GB of data allegedly stolen from the Russian Internet Service Provider Convex. The collective Anonymous released last week 128 gigabytes of documents that were allegedly stolen from the Russian Internet Service Provider Convex. The huge trove of data was leased by an affiliate of Anonymous’s affiliate group called […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 01, 2023
Pro-Russia Killnet group hit Dutch and European hospitals

The Dutch National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) confirmed that Pro-Russia group Killnet hit websites of national and European hospitals. The Dutch National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) reported that the websites of several hospital in the Netherlands and Europe were hit by DDoS attacks carried out by pro-Russia hacking group Killnet. The group of hackers launched […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 31, 2023
IT Army of Ukraine gained access to a 1.5GB archive from Gazprom

IT Army of Ukraine claims to have breached the infrastructure of the Russian energy giant Gazprom and had access to a 1.5 GB archive. The collective IT Army of Ukraine announced it has gained access to a 1.5 GB archive belonging to the Russian energy giant Gazprom. The group of hacktivists announced the hack on […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 31, 2023
Pro-Russia group Killnet targets US healthcare with DDoS attacks

The Pro-Russia group Killnet is launching a series of DDoS attacks against the websites of US healthcare organizations and hospitals. The Pro-Russia group Killnet launched a series of DDoS attacks against US healthcare organizations and hospitals. The group announced the attacks on its Telegram channel, calling for action against the US government healthcare. The list of targets […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 29, 2023
Pro-Russia group Killnet targets Germany due to its support to Ukraine

Pro-Russia group Killnet launched last week DDoS attacks against the websites of German airports, administration bodies, and banks. The Pro-Russia group Killnet is behind the DDoS attacks that last week hit the websites of German airports, administration bodies, and banks. The attacks are the hacktivists’ response to the German government’s decision to send Leopard 2 tanks to […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 15, 2023
1.7 TB of data stolen from digital intelligence firm Cellebrite leaked online

1.7 TB of data stolen from Cellebrite, a digital intelligence company that provides tools for law enforcement, were leaked online. The Israeli mobile forensics firm Cellebrite is one of the leading companies in the world in the field of digital forensics, it works with law enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide. One of the most popular services provided […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 13, 2023
Pro-Russia group NoName057(16) targets Ukraine and NATO countries

A Pro-Russian group named NoName057(16) is targeting organizations in Ukraine and NATO countries with DDoS attacks. A Pro-Russian cybercrime group named NoName057(16) (aka 05716nnm or Nnm05716) is behind a wave of DDoS attacks against organizations in Ukraine and NATO countries, SentinelOne researchers reported. The attacks started in March 2022 and targeted government and critical infrastructure […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 06, 2022
Russia’s second-largest bank VTB Bank under DDoS attack

Russia’s second-largest bank VTB Bank reveals it is facing the largest DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack in its history. State-owned VTB Bank, the second-largest financial institution in Russia, says it is facing the largest DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack in its history. The pro-Ukraine collective IT Army of Ukraine has claimed responsibility for […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 23, 2022
Pro-Russian group Killnet claims responsibility for DDoS attack that has taken down the European Parliament site

Pro-Russian hacker collective Killnet took down the European Parliament website with a DDoS cyberattack. The Pro-Russia group of hacktivists Killnet claimed responsibility for the DDoS attack that today took down the website of the European Parliament website. “KILLNET officially recognises the European Parliament as sponsors of homosexualism,” states the group.  The attack was launched immediately […]