Security experts from various firms have discovered a malvertising campaign that has been placing malicious ads on very popular websites like BBC and NYT. As the title says, a number of popular websites, including The New York Times, BBC, The Hill, Newsweek, AOL, MSN, and several others, were victims of a malvertising campaign. The attack […]
Security expert published an interesting analysis of malware targeting the Steam gaming platform and evolution of threats through the last few years. It is emergency, malware targeting the Steam accounts are increasing as never before over the last months. The popular gaming platform is a privileged target for cyber criminals, Steam is owned by Valve and […]
After the source code of the Android banking Trojan GM Bot was leaked online, the new version GM Bot v2 was offered for sale. The availability of the source code of a malware in the criminal underground represents a great opportunity for crooks that can customize the threat allowing its evolution in an unpredictable way. […]
Hacking mechanic’s workshop to infect cars, this is the concept behind a new attack technique devised by the hacker Craig Smith. It might seem far-fetched, it looks like the hacker Craig Smith was able to design a malicious code that could infect computers used in the mechanic’s workworkshop, and these machines can later start infecting […]
Experts at Trustwave observed a new massive spam campaign that was sending a JavaScript attachment that downloads Locky ransomware. Ransomware continues to be among most insidious threats in this first part of the year, security researcher have recently observed a spike in the number of Locky ransomware infections. The experts from Trustwave security firm highlighted the […]
Kaspersky Lab recently spotted a new Android malware dubbed Triads Trojan, which they say is the most advanced mobile malware seen to date. Malware researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered a new strain of malware, dubbed Triada (Backdoor.AndroidOS.Triada), targeting Android devices, which they consider the most advanced mobile threat seen to date. The range of […]
Coder in the Brazilian Cyber Criminal underground are Pioneering Cross-platform malware relying on Java archive (JAR) Files. Recently security experts at PaloAlto Networks uncovered a new family of ransomware dubbed KeRanger that targets Mac OS X users, a circumstance that demonstrates that every OS is potentially at risk. Now researchers at Kaspersky Lab have discovered new families […]
Over the weekend Apple customers who were looking for the latest version of Transmission were infected by KeRanger MAC OS X ransomware. Bad news for Apple customers, their systems were targeted for the first time over the weekend by a ransomware campaign. The experts at Palo Alto Networks Unit 42 who discovered the malicious campaign reported that Apple […]
ProofPoint uncovered a new cyber espionage campaign dubbed Operation Transparent Tribe targeting Indian diplomatic and military entities. A new cyber espionage campaign dubbed Operation Transparent Tribe is targeting diplomats and military personnel in India. The researchers at Proofpoint who have uncovered the hacking campaign confirmed that threat actors used a number of hacking techniques to hit the […]
The DarkHotel APT group is back and it is targeting executives at telecommunications companies in China and North Korea. According to threat intelligence start-up ThreatBook, the DarkHotel APT group is targeting executives at telecommunications companies in China and North Korea. The Darkhotel espionage campaign was first uncovered by security experts at Kaspersky Lab in November 2014. The experts […]