
Pierluigi Paganini March 20, 2013
FinFisher found everywhere, more complexity and ready for mobile

Many times we discussed about the fact that FinFisher was discovered in the wild, the use of popular spyware has been abused by governments and intelligence agencies all around the world. The spyware is for law enforcement and government use, but it seems to be  preferred for those regimes that desire to monitor representatives of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 15, 2013
Android Malware Seeds for Sale

One of the leading computer security companies of Russia, Group-IB and its CERT (CERT-GIB), found that Android malware is available for sale by cybercriminals. With explosion of mobile market and increase of Android users, more devices can be infected by malware downloaded through Android Market or Google Play or from 3d party WEB-sites. “Nowadays it is […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2013
Mobile Botnets: From anticipation to reality!

Anticipations on mobile botnets’ existence have been ended by the Damballa Research Laboratory official reports which discovered 40,000 infected mobile devices that have communicated through cybercriminal C&C servers for the first six months of 2011. Moreover, the McAfee research lab early prediction on advent of widely-distributed and more resilient mobile botnets come closer to reality […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2013
Threat Intelligence Report by Solutionary, rise of cyber attacks

Continues my overview of the main security reports published by leading companies that produce interesting analysis on the analysis of cyber threats, today I desire to introduce the data proposed by Solutionary in the “2013 Global Threat Intelligence Report” (registration is required). The GTIR report provides insight into prevalent cyber threats identified in 2012 thanks […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 11, 2013
The malicious mobile marketplace explained by Group-IB

Recently many security portals, including Security Affairs, have presented analysis on underground markets and the increased demand of malware and exploit tools. In this post I desire to propose to readers the results of investigation made by researchers at Group-IB, a security firm resident of the Moscow-based Skolkovo Foundation. Mobile malware black market is not well […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2013
My read of WebSense 2013 Threat Report

WebSense has just released 2013 Threat Report, an interesting analysis of cyber threats based on data collected by the Websense ThreatSeeker Network. The study confirmed the growth of cyber threats able to elude traditional defense mechanisms and that mainly targeted mobile platforms and social media. Internet is confirmed as primary vector for cyber menaces, web threats […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2013
Botnet organization, easy and cheap!

In recent weeks I wrote about an interesting article posted on Webroot by security expert Dancho Danchev, a careful observer of cyber criminal activities in the underground. The researcher described a new service offering access to thousands of malware-infected hosts, this time Danchev tried to estimate the cost to arrange a botnet composed of 10,000 […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 28, 2013
MiniDuke hackers target European governments and researchers

It’s a very difficult period for security researchers that in the last months have discovered various cyber espionage campaigns that hit governments, private businesses and intelligence agencies all over the world. The situation is very concerning, silently cyber threats attacks the above institutions to steal sensitive information and intellectual properties causing damage comparable to those […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 27, 2013
Stuxnet was dated 2005, Symantec discovered earlier version 0,5

Rivers of words have been written on the popular Stuxnet virus, there have been many hypotheses, sometimes contradictory, about its paternity but the only certainty seemed to be the date of its creation, but suddenly the certainty as happens in the best thriller movies has been called into question. The authors of Stuxnet, the malware […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 23, 2013
Also Microsoft in the club of hacked companies

When Apple revealed the hack to Reuters press agency I wrote that the last big enterprise not yet hacked was Microsoft, anticipating that was question of time. The last events have revealed how much vulnerable also major companies to cyber attacks, Facebook, Twitter and principal Press agencies such as NYT dedicate large investment to cyber […]