
Pierluigi Paganini February 14, 2013
Botnets for rent, criminal services sold in the underground market

Internet is becoming a mine for criminals that in easy way are able to access to any kind of resources to arrange a cyber attacks, a cyber espionage campaign or a complex banking fraud. What is very scaring is the simplicity with which it is possible to acquire any kind of criminal services in the underground […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 11, 2013
PandaLabs has published the annual report 2012

Security Software Company PandaLabs has published the annual report on cyber threats proposing interesting statistics on the diffusion of malicious agent on personal computers during 2012. Malware diffusion has registered new records, the security firm detected 27 million new malicious codes, around 74,000 new samples per day, the attacks have targeted government offices and multinational […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 10, 2013
Bit9 hacked, stolen digital certificates to sign malware

The week ended in the worst way for the security company Bit9 that last Friday announced that hackers had stolen digital certificates from its network and have utilized it to sign malicious code. Bit9 is a popular a company that provides software and network security services to a lot of important private firms and also to […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 09, 2013
Whitehole Exploit Kit in the wild

Exploit kit, a name which has become depressingly familiar, crimaware kit that contains malicious code to exploit principal vulnerabilities in large consume product such as browsers, last news is that a new kit named Whitehole has emerged on the underground market. Generally the exploit kits are malicious Web-based applications designed to install malware on computers […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 06, 2013
Threat Report H2 2012 proposed by F-Secure

Today the principal channel for malware diffusion is considered internet, large diffusion of exploit kits and crimeware such as BlackHole, Cool Exploit and Incognito have automated the infection process over the network. Majority of attacks exploits vulnerabilities in large use applications, such as browsers, and the leak of responsive patch management expose users to serious […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 04, 2013
PiceBOT crimeware hit Latin American banking

In the last weeks we discussed on the efficiency of exploit kits, malicious tool kits  that allow to the attackers to exploit a huge quantity of vulnerabilities in victims systems. These products are largely diffused in the underground where is possible to find different tools usable for various purpose, most precious are those kit that […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 31, 2013
How PokerAgent botnet has stolen Facebook credentials

We never tire of repeating, social networks are an ideal conduit, due their large diffusion, for the spread of malware, they are used by cybercrime to realize complex fraud schema and by military to conduct offensive operations or cyber espionage campaigns. ESET Security Research has published an interesting analysis on the ‘PokerAgent’ botnet detected during 2012 […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 28, 2013
Dissecting a mobile malware

The capillary diffusion of mobile devices, the lack of security systems on these platforms and low level of awareness on principal cyber threats made them a privileged target for cybercrime. We have assisted in the recent year to an explosion of malware designed to hit principal mobile OSs, in a recent report Sophos security firm […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 26, 2013
Gozi.3 men,1M computers infected, Millions $ stolen

The news is sensational US authorities blamed 3 individuals of a large scale malware-based attack against banking world, the trojan infected at least one million computers stealing millions of dollars. The three are the Russian Nikita Kuzmin (25 year old), Latvian resident Deniss Calovskis (27 year old) and Romanian Mihai Ionut Paunescu (28 year old) […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 25, 2013
The rise of exploit kits according to Solutionary SERT

Today I desire to discuss about a very interesting study by Solutionary’s Security Engineering Research Team (SERT) that shared the results related an analysis on malware and exploit kits diffusion observed with its solution ActiveGuard service platform. The platform has collected and analyzed malicious events that hit company clients globally, the data have been provided […]