
Pierluigi Paganini September 25, 2015
The US military is still sending un-encrypted emails

The MotherBoard news website recently published an interesting analysis on how the US Military Fails to Protect its Soldiers’ Emails, how is it possible? After the Edward Snowden case blown up in the US Government face, the US decided to create a task force to encrypt all that can, urging the adoption of HTTPS for […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 24, 2015

How does this privacy apply to cybersecurity? The rule of the cyberlaw in the protection of cyber vendor services against the risk of litigation exposure. In most countries and most legal systems, the sanctity of the attorney client relationship is guarded by the courts. Without confidentiality and privacy, the system of law can break down […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 23, 2015
National Encryption Policy draft, everyone is under strict surveillance

The Indian Government plans to release the new National Encryption Policy, a law that seems to be one of the big threat to the Internet freedom. A new problem is worrying the Indian friends, the Government plans to release a new policy, National Encryption Policy’ that seems to presage disappointments for users. Among ugly and questionable issues […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 23, 2015
China spies on airline passengers with IMSI-catchers

The popular expert John McAfee claims passengers with four Chinese airlines are spied with the IMSI-catchers technology by the Government of Beijing. The former owner of McAfee security firm, John McAfee was always known to have made some controversial comments in the IT industry, but also to have good sources that let him get precious […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 22, 2015
Korean Govt child monitoring app is full of bugs exposing minors at risks

Researchers from Citizen Lab and German security firm Cure53 analyzed the Govt child monitoring app Smart Sheriff discovered that it is full of bugs. It’s curious, thinking to a child monitoring app you imagine a solution that can protect your children, instead the situation could be really different. Researchers with the Canadian watchdog group Citizen Lab have […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 22, 2015
Adobe fixes dozens critical vulnerabilities in Flash Player

Adobe has released a new Flash Player update that patches 23 critical vulnerabilities in the popular software. Update your version asap. Adobe has released a new Flash Player update that fixes 23 critical vulnerabilities in the popular software. According to the security bulletin issued by Adobe, Version and earlier of the Flash Player for Windows and […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 21, 2015
Apple App Store suffers its first large-scale attack

Researchers have spotted the first large-scale attack on Apple Store, attackers used XcodeGhost designed to inject malicious code into iOS and OS X apps. Apple announced yesterday it is cleaning up the official iOS App Store to remove malicious iPhone and iPad applications, the company confirmed that this is the first large-scale attack on the […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 21, 2015
New attacks on critical communications infrastructure in the US

Unknown attackers continue to target critical communications infrastructure in the US, on Monday they cut backbone fiber optic Internet cables in California. Unknown attackers continue to target critical communications infrastructure in the US, on Monday they cut backbone fiber optic Internet cables in California. Someone continues to target critical communications infrastructure in a region of […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 19, 2015
Discovered a Reflected Filename Download flaw in LinkedIn

The Security researcher David Sopas at WebSegura discovered a Reflected Filename Download vulnerability in the popular professional social network LinkedIn. He was analyzing another website when he discovered the following XHR request on Google Inspector on LinkedIn: It seems a simple request to make by websites to count how many shares their site have on […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 18, 2015
Bugzilla CVE-2015-4499 flaw, be aware hackers could know all your bugs

A Critical vulnerability affects Mozilla Bugzilla bug-tracking software could be exploited to access details of non-public vulnerabilities stored in its database. The open source Bugzilla bug-tracking system is used hundreds of thousands of software organizations that track the evolution of software bugs discovered in their applications. Development team urge to upgrade Bugzilla bug tracking system to fix the […]