Angler exploit kit

Angler exploit kit includes the code of a recent Flash flaw

A security researcher discovered a new variant of the Angler exploit kit that includes the exploit code for a recently…

8 years ago

The Rapid Increase in the Sophistication of Exploit Kits

The prevalence and effectiveness of top exploit kits (Angler Exploit kit, Nuclear Exploit Kit) found to be very active in-the-wild.…

9 years ago

The rise of the Japanese Cybercrime Underground

Researchers at Trend Micro have issued a new report on the Japanese Cybercrime Underground, a growing criminal community with his…

9 years ago

Shifu banking trojan is officially spreading to the UK

The researchers at Security Intelligence announced that Shifu banking trojan is officially spreading to the UK targeting Banks and Wealth…

9 years ago

A variant of the Angler Exploit Kit used to infect PoS Systems

Experts at Trend Micro discovered that cyber criminals are exploiting the popular Angler Exploit kit to find and infect PoS…

9 years ago

50 million users can be exposed to Malvertising

A security researcher said that a malvertising campaign could affect as many as 50M users, it affected some popular web sites…

9 years ago

Trustwave discovered the first political malvertising campaign

Experts at Trustwave observed a group of cyber criminals helping spread pro-Russia propaganda by inflating video views with a malvertising…

9 years ago

Fessleak malvertising campaign used to serve ransomware

Invincea has been monitoring the Fessleak campaign in which hackers leveraged Adobe Flash Player exploits and file-less infections to serve…

9 years ago

Adobe issued the update to fix CVE-2015-0311 zero day

Adobe released a security update that fixes also the zero-day vulnerability CVE-2015-0311 discovered by Kafeine in the last release of…

9 years ago

New Angler exploit kit includes a Flash zero-Day

The French security expert Kafeine has discovered an unpatched vulnerability (0day) in Flash Player is being exploited by Angler Exploit…

9 years ago

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