
Google fixed the 17th zero-day in Chrome since the start of the year

Google has released Chrome 96.0.4664.110 to address a high-severity zero-day vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2021-4102, exploited in the wild. Google released security updates to address…

2 years ago

Google addresses four high-severity flaws in Chrome

Google has addressed a total of four high-severity vulnerabilities in the Chrome version for Windows, Mac, and Linux. Google released…

3 years ago

Google addressed the eleventh Chrome zero-day flaw this year

Google released a Chrome emergency update for Windows, Mac, and Linux that addresses a high-severity zero-day flaw exploited in the wild.…

3 years ago

Google addresses a new Chrome zero-day flaw actively exploited in the wild

Google Chrome 93.0.4577.82 for Windows, Mac, and Linux that addressed eleven security issues, including two zero-days actively exploited. Google released…

3 years ago

New Spook.Js attack allows to bypass Google Chrome Site Isolation protections

Spook.js is a new side-channel attack on modern processors that can allow bypassing Site Isolation protections implemented in Google Chrome. Boffins…

3 years ago

Google paid over $130K in bounty rewards for the issues addressed with the release of Chrome 93

Google announced the release of Chrome 93 that addresses 27 security vulnerabilities, 19 issues were reported through its bug bounty…

3 years ago

Google Patches Chrome zero-day actively exploited

Google this week addressed 14 vulnerabilities in the Chrome browser, including a zero-day flaw that has been exploited in the…

3 years ago

For the second time in a week, a Google Chromium zero-day released online

For the second time in a week, a Chromium zero-day remote code execution exploit code has been released on Twitter, multiple…

3 years ago

Expert publicly released Chromium-based browsers exploit demonstrated at Pwn2Own 2021

An Indian security researcher has published a proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit code for a vulnerability impacting Google Chrome and other Chromium-based…

3 years ago

Chinese experts earned $20,000 for reporting a Chrome Sandbox Escape

Researchers have reported to Google a sandbox escape vulnerability in the Chrome web browser to Google that awarded them $20,000.…

3 years ago

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