cyber espionage

A secret NSA map shows successful Chinese attacks

The NBC News published a secret NSA map reporting the locations of “Victims of Chinese Cyber Espionage" attacks that resulted…

9 years ago

Operation Potao – hackers used a trojanized version of TrueCrypt

ESET issued a report on a cyber espionage campaign dubbed Operation Potao that relied on the diffusion of a trojanized…

9 years ago

APT 29 use Twitter to control its Hammertoss data stealer

Experts at FireEye discovered a new APT group dubbed APT 29 that is exploiting Twitter to mask the activities of…

9 years ago

Russian APT launched a new phishing campaign on the Pentagon

A sophisticated APT group who targeted the White House and State Department, have launched a new stealth spear phishing campaign…

9 years ago

Linux, Apache, MySQL is all that evil XKeyscore needs to control the world

According to new revelations of the popular whistleblower Edward Snowden the powerful spying machine XKEYSCORE runs on Red Hat Enterprise…

9 years ago

Dino Malware that targeting Iran belong to Animal Farm’s arsenal

Researchers at ESET analyzed the Dino malware confirming that the sophisticated espionage platform belongs to the arsenal of the Animal…

9 years ago

NSA spied on French Presidents, Ministers and Top companies

French journal Liberation and Medialpart revealed that the NSA spied on two of France's economy ministers and spied on the…

9 years ago

Cyber espionage – Russia and China are targeting British Companies and Others

Ongoing incidents have brought to light the power of both Russia and China in the field of cyber espionage. Their…

9 years ago

The Winnti hacking crew is now targeting pharmaceutical and telecoms companies

Security experts at Kaspersky collected evidence that the Winniti APT is moving beyond the gaming industry targeting telecoms and big…

9 years ago

NSA and GCHQ target security firm including Kaspersky

Documents leaked by Edward Snowden show the NSA and the GCHQ efforts to compromise security software companies including Kaspersky Lab.…

9 years ago

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