cyber espionage

Czech cyber-security agency warns over Huawei, ZTE security threat

A Czech cyber-security agency is warning against using Huawei and ZTE technologies because they pose a threat to state security.…

6 years ago

Experts at Yoroi – Cybaze Z-Lab analyzed MuddyWater Infection Chain

Malware researchers at Yoroi - Cybaze Z-Lab analyzed the MuddyWater Infection Chain observed in a last wave of cyber attacks.…

6 years ago

North Korea-linked group Lazarus targets Latin American banks

According to security reearchers at Trend Micro, the North Korea-linked APT group Lazarus recently targeted banks in Latin America. The North…

6 years ago

US Government is asking allies to ban Huawei equipment

US Government is inviting its allies to exclude Huawei equipment from critical infrastructure and 5G architectures, reports the Wall Street Journal…

6 years ago

Chinese TEMP.Periscope cyberespionage group was using TTPs associated with Russian APTs

Chinese TEMP.Periscope cyberespionage group targeted a UK-based engineering company using TTPs associated with Russia-linked APT groups. Attribution of cyber attacks…

6 years ago

Cyber mercenaries and insiders hired by Chinese intelligence to hack aerospace and tech firms

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Chinese intelligence officers recruited hackers and insiders to hack aerospace and tech firms.…

6 years ago

MartyMcFly Malware: new Cyber-Espionage Campaign targeting Italian Naval Industry

Yoroi security firm uncovered a targeted attack against one of the most important companies in the Italian Naval Industry leveraging MartyMcFly…

6 years ago

Russia-linked APT group DustSquad targets diplomatic entities in Central Asia

Kaspersky experts published a detailed analysis of the attacks conducted by the Russian-linked cyber espionage group DustSquad. Earlier October, security experts from…

6 years ago

New Gallmaker APT group eschews malware in cyber espionage campaigns

A previously unknown cyber espionage group, tracked as Gallmaker, has been targeting entities in the government, military and defense sectors since…

6 years ago

Kaspersky shed lights on the overlap of operations conducted by Turla and Sofacy

Researchers from Kaspersky Lab collected evidence that demonstrates overlaps between the activity of Russian APT groups Turla and Sofacy.  In…

6 years ago

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