cyber threat

Surgical malware attack agains US via Iran

Sometimes warfare operation and cyber crime are really difficult to distinguish, especially when the cyber scenario is related to country that…

13 years ago

Why consider an enemy Iran and not Russia?

There is no doubt that through the analysis of the operations of a State in cyber space it is possible…

13 years ago

Spying on Facebook and not only, it’s emergency

A few days ago I wrote an article on cyber espionage and its higher incidence in the computer crimes. What…

13 years ago

Anonymous, DNS Amplification Attacks for Operation Global Blackout

In this first couple of months of 2012 we have assisted to an escalation of cyber attacks made by  groups…

13 years ago

Cyberespionage and new opportunities for cybercrime

The continued technology push that is shaping our society during the last decade has brought an exponential increase in computer…

13 years ago

DNSChanger, FBI’s internet blackout postponed from 8 March to 9 July

Many people are asking me for updates on the case DNSChanger which held its breath many network users. During the…

13 years ago

Thin line between advertising and violated privacy

We live in an information age in which contemporary society is like a sponge that produces and consumes extraordinary amounts…

13 years ago

Young cyber army, cyber threat or resource to enhance?

We live in economically tumultuous days and even more in the cyberspace. Not a day goes by that you do…

13 years ago

Wikileaks & Anonymous, new alliance against dirty affairs

The day has come, WikiLeaks began publishing more than five million emails from Texas-based global security think tank company Stratfor, a…

13 years ago

Stopped antivirus for Iran, controversial penalty

I have just read the news that Iran will be banned the purchase of antivirus systems, a kind of technological…

13 years ago

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