Article published on The Malta Indipendent Ron Kelson, Pierluigi Paganini, Fabian Martin, David Pace, Benjamin Gittins “Be social” is the buzzword of recent years. No matter whether we are at home, in the gym, at work, or elsewhere, we are haunted by the need to be part of something online. We live alternative online lives, and we have dense networks of […]
Many experts are sure, the new horizons of intelligence are in the social media and in the ability to control them. Governments are more careful on the analysis of social media and the vast amount of information which they hold. Intelligence agencies have learned that Social networks and forums are exceptional instruments for information gathering […]
We have discussed several time of the interference of governments inside our ordinary life, they try to control our network, to spy on our social network profiles, to access silently to our gaming console and every thing surround us. The nightmare experienced by the protagonist of the movie “Enemy of the State” is now a […]
Recent events have demonstrated the strategic importance of the cyber strategy the needs to chair the cyber space, many experts sustains that the cyber war era is just begun, due this reason the Pentagon is involving the private companies, universities and even computer-game companies to develop technologies to improve its cyber warfare capabilities. Events such […]