CVE-2016-9311 NTP DoS Exploit Released, update your Windows server asap

A researcher released a PoC exploit for the cve-2016-9311 flaw that can cause the crash of the NTP daemon and…

8 years ago

Mirai botnet leverages STOMP Protocol to power DDoS attacks

Cyber criminals are exploiting the capability of the Mirai botnet to use the STOMP Protocol to launch massive DDoS attacks.…

8 years ago

BlackNurse attack, how to knock big servers offline with a laptop

BlackNurse attack allows to power massive DDoS attacks that are able to knock large servers offline with limited resources. Researchers…

8 years ago

What does a DDoS with everyday life? DDoS knocks out building control systems in Finland

The residents in two apartment buildings Finland faced more that a week of serious problem due to a DDoS attack…

8 years ago

Shadows Kill Mirai Botnet caused an Internet outage in Liberia, what is the next one?

Mirai botnet was used to power a massive DDoS attack against Liberia causing the Internet outage in the entire country…

8 years ago

Exclusive: MalwareMustDie spotted a new IoT Linux/IRCTelnet malware made in Italy

Exclusive: The security researcher MalwareMustDie has found a new Linux/IRCTelnet malware- made in Italy - that aims IoT botnet connected…

8 years ago

24 hours in the life of my home router by Francisco J. Rodriguez

Recently a massive DDoS attack has disconnected a large portion of users from the Internet, hackers exploited IoT devices. Is your…

8 years ago

US users were not able to reach Twitter and other sites due to DDoS on Dyn DNS Service

A severe distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) it targeting the Managed DNS infrastructure of cloud-based Internet performance management company Dyn. A severe distributed…

8 years ago

Authorities arrested 2 teenagers suspected to be members of Lizard Squad

A joint operation of international law enforcement agencies allowed the arrest of suspected Lizard Squad Hackers in the US and…

8 years ago

Which are principal cities hostages of malicious botnets?

Which are principal cities hostages of malicious botnets? Symantec has tried to reply the difficult questions with an interesting study.…

8 years ago

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