Threat actors exploit the interest in the Coronavirus outbreak while infections increase worldwide, new campaigns aim at spreading TrickBot and Emotet Trojans. Experts warn of new Coronavirus-themed attacks that are spreading TrickBot and Emotet Trojans. Operators behind these campaigns are using new Coronavirus-themed messages to attempt to bypass security software. The trend was first reported […]
Security researchers warn of malspam campaigns aimed at spreading malware that exploits media attention on the coronavirus epidemic. Unscrupulous cybercriminal groups are attempting to exploit media attention on the coronavirus to infect systems worldwide. Recently, coronavirus is monopolizing media attention, users online are searching for information about the virus and the way it is rapidly […]
Experts at cyber security firm Cypher conducted a study on Portuguese domains during 2019 and concluded that Emotet and Ryuk were the most active threats Emotet, the most widespread malware worldwide and Ryuk, a ransomware type, are growing threats and real concerns for businesses and internet users in 2020. This is the conclusion of a […]
Experts spotted a massive global Emotet malware campaign that uses as lure documents the Swedish climate-change activist Greta Thunberg. Crooks always attempt to monetize the media interest on specific topics, and the recent Greta Thunberg-themed Emotet campaign confirms it. Experts from the Proofpoint Threat Insight team have spotted a malspam campaign delivering the Emotet malware […]
The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) warns businesses and netizens of Emotet and BlueKeep attacks in the wild. The ACSC is warning organizations and people of a wave of cyberattacks exploiting the Windows BlueKeep vulnerability to deliver crypto-currency miners. “The Australian Signals Directorate’s Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), with its state and territory partners, […]
Cybercrime gang behind the Emotet malware is targeting organization with external SOC with emails claiming to deliver a SOC “weekly report.” Introduction The group behind Emotet malware is getting smarter and smarter in the way they deliver such a Malware. While the infection schema looks alike from years; the way the group tries to infect victims improves from day […]
Emotet is back, its operators leverage a recently introduced spear-phishing technique to deliver their malware, they are hijacking legitimate email conversations. In 2019, security experts haven’t detected any activity associated with Emotet since early April, when researchers at Trend Micro have uncovered a malware campaign distributing a new Emotet Trojan variant that compromises devices and […]
Researchers at Trend Micro have uncovered a malware campaign distributing a new Emotet Trojan variant that compromises devices and uses them as Proxy C2 servers. Trend Micro discovered a new variant of the Emotet Trojan that is able to infect devices and use them as proxy command-and-control servers. The new variant also employs random URI […]
Security experts participating in the project called URLhaus have identified and shut down roughly 100,000 malware distribution sites The project called URLhaus was launched in March 2018 to track websites used to spread malware, it involved 265 researchers worldwide. In a 10-month period, 265 security researchers around the world have identified in average 300 malware […]
ESET analyzed the distribution technique used by cyber criminals in new Emotet campaign that has recently affected various countries in Latin America. In November, experts from ESET uncovered a massive spam campaign that was distributing the Emotet malware. The campaign targeted several users in some Latin American countries and ESET shared details on the propagation used […]