Large scale infiltration

Concerns for Chinese firms and the cyberespionage

We often discuss about warfare and cyberespionage, focusing on the usage of technology to steal intellectual property of foreign states.…

12 years ago

Flashback Trojan, a business opportunity for all

Many people who do not work in our sector are asking me two questions with increasing frequency: Can a virus…

12 years ago

Russian cybercrime, not only a localized threat

Several times I wrote on cybercrime trying to analyze a phenomenon that grows with an impressive rhythm. The trend is…

12 years ago

Iran,Oil Industry under cyber attack,are we close to a military strike?

A new cyber attack against Iran, in particular this time the Oil Industry was the target of a Malware Attack.…

12 years ago

Analysis of cybercrime and its impact on private and military sectors

The article is published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 03 2012.  Several reports published in the last…

12 years ago

Iran, 3M bank accounts hacked.Hypothesis on cyber warfare scenario

The story that I desire to report seems the plot of a movie, Khosrow Zarefarid an Iranian software manager after…

12 years ago

Anonymous,from OpTrialAtHome to the streets,is time for changing

Another Saturday, another round, as announced today the group Anonymous has targeted government sites to protest against British government policy. Nothing…

12 years ago

Botnets and cyber warfare, a dangerous combination

The US Government is very close to the theme of warfare being among the countries that invest more in the…

12 years ago

OSINT research to discovery lucrative business of monitoring systems

The dramatic events of recent months have occurred in Syria should lead us all in deep thought. What value do…

12 years ago

Governments and gaming platforms, it’s time for warfare

The US government is financing several activities to investigate and hack into the technology spread in every device that ordinary…

12 years ago

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