Monero Miner

Crooks exploit CVE-2018-7602 Drupal flaw, aka Drupalgeddon3 to deliver Monero miner

Crooks are attempting to exploit a recently patched Drupal vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2018-7602, to drop Monero mining malware onto vulnerable systems. The…

6 years ago

Many users reported in the past few weeks their Macs have been infected with a new Monero Miner

In the past weeks, many Mac users have been infected with a new strain of Monero miner, the infections confirm…

6 years ago

RubyMiner Monero Cryptominer affected 30% of networks worldwide in just 24h

Security researchers at Check Point have spotted a malware family dubbed RubyMiner that is targeting web servers worldwide in an attempt to…

6 years ago

Experts spotted Monero cryptominer sending currency to North Korean University

Security researchers at AlienVault labs recently analyzed an application compiled on Christmas Eve 2017 that is an installer for a Monero cryptocurrency miner.…

6 years ago

PyCryptoMiner botnet, a new Crypto-Miner Botnet spreads over SSH

Security experts at F5 discovered a new Linux Monero crypto-miner botnet dubbed PyCryptoMiner spreading over the SSH protocol. F5 researchers discovered a new Linux crypto-miner botnet…

6 years ago

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