
Symantec Internet Security Threat Report on evolution of cyber menaces

Symantec has issued The Internet Security Threat Report, a document which provides an overview and analysis of global threat evolution…

11 years ago

FireEye discovered Android spying components in Winspy RAT

FireEye experts investigating on a spear-phishing campaign on an US-based financial institution discovered that common WinSpy RAT was adapted to…

11 years ago

Discovered first Win trojan to serve banking Android malware on mobile

Symantec experts recently came across a Windows malicious code that attempts to infect connected Android devices serving an Android malware.…

11 years ago

An increasing number of targeted attacks against the energy sector

Symantec published in the report titled "Targeted Attacks Against the Energy Sector" to describe the security landscape for companies of…

11 years ago

Internet of Things and principal cyber threats

Internet of Things, a business growing at a compound annual rate of 7,9%, which are the principal cyber threats to…

11 years ago

Symantec on Network Time Protocol (NTP) reflection DDoS attacks

Security researchers at Symantec have spotted a series of Network Time Protocol (NTP) reflection DDoS attacks during the Christmas Holidays.…

11 years ago

RSA refused claims on NSA Relationship and encryption backdoor

RSA published a blog post to deny the accusation about secret partnership with the National Security Agency and the use…

11 years ago

NSA paid 10M$ to RSA to insert an encryption backdoor in its solution

Last revelation based on the documents leaked by Edward Snowden is related to the allegedly encryption backdoor inserted by RSA…

11 years ago

Internet of Things – Symantec has discovered a new Linux worm

Symantec security experts have discovered a new Linux worm that was designed to target the “Internet of things” infecting Intel…

11 years ago

Linux backdoor Fokirtor implements covert communication protocol

In May sophisticated attackers breached a large Internet hosting provider and gained access to internal administrative systems using a singular…

11 years ago

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