
GCHQ ran DoS attack on chatrooms used by Anonymous and LulzSec

New slides leaked by Snowden, and published by NBC NEWS, reveal that GCHQ ran DoS attack on chatrooms used by…

11 years ago

Edward Snowden is the responsible for disclosure of PRISM program

Edward Snowden is the person responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history, he is former…

11 years ago

#OpLastResort & #OpBigBrother, Anonymous against governments

Someone early this year said the hacktivism phenomena and its symbol Anonymous, will exhausted its strength, sincerely I was shocked…

12 years ago

Anonymous vs Wikileaks…you can condemn a man but not wipe out an ideology

Hacktivism is considered one of the most interesting phenomena of the last year, despite this form of dissent is dated…

12 years ago

#OpTrapWire, Anonymous against surveillance systems

In this days I have written several times regarding surveillance systems and the huge business around it. Private companies, government…

12 years ago

Syria Files, Wikileaks, Anonymous and dirty affairs

Big outcry on Wikileaks that last week has published more that 2.4 million emails allegedly obtained from continuous hack against…

12 years ago

Hacktivism and Deep Web

  In today's society technology plays a crucial role and is used as a new cultural vehicle, and even aggregation…

12 years ago

Stratfor refunds clients.Concerns on subcontractors in the security chain

Last Christmas the Stratfor Global Intelligence was hacked by Anonymous who disclosed company website and also the full client list…

12 years ago

The hacktivism phenomenon

Article published on The Malta Indipendent The last years have been characterised by the escalation of operations conducted by hacktivist groups,…

12 years ago

Who is attacking WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay? The private revenge

Who is attacking WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay? WikiLeaks and BitTorrent file-sharing site Pirate Bay were hit by a series of…

12 years ago

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