Assange, Spy Files and uncomfortable truths

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2011

If we talk about security which could be our worst nightmare? My answer is “to be vulnerable in every moment of our day, whatever we are doing and wherever we are” How could this happen?

  • Imagine that someone has installed an app on our phones, and he is able to stalk us, to know our movements and crossing with the movements of other users to know the relationships that build.
  • Imagine that someone decides to check our “twit”, analyze our sentiment and influence it through methods well thought.
  • Imagine that someone has even installed a trojan to spy our conversations, our banking operations and follow our research while we are on the web.
  • Suppose finally that the same person is able to control our profiles on various social networks and perhaps with a facial recognition analysis system is able to relate our experience to other profiles, crossing temporal and spatial locations.

Hey guy … but this has not already happened! When I have speculated all this scenarios months ago, they called me paranoid, visionary, conspiracy theorist. Yet it happened! How can we still save our privacy policy and how?

Every day there is an unimaginable number of intercepted information, whether phone, email, SMS and data. In the name of security, control, the imperative is to spy everybody! No one is safe from the eye of the modern Orwellian Big Brother mandated by governments everywhere.  An affair of many billions of dollars a year with the involvement of government agencies and private companies that make their services available to democracies and dictatorships in an unregulated market.

News today that WikiLeaks has come into possession of hundreds of “Spy Files” detailing the services offered by the companies of electronic surveillance in all countries. Amazing. Everything can be controlled and commodified.


The lives of individuals such as spreadsheets in a huge archive. It ‘can be “stolen”, “counterfeiting”,it is possible to copy it and analyze it. Specialized companies such as South African Vastech monitor any user, even him satellite communications. Like German Elaman and the Spanish  Agnita, companies can control  each telephone subscriber, managing for him communications, text messaging and data traffic.

Italy’s black jersey … all is admissible in Italy0, like the use of a Trojan for interception, even if the malware actually changes the substance of the host PC. Who certifies the controller? In Italy, yes we can!

Just to give some numbers of the huge quantity of data that daily we procude ever internet

Every 60 seconds on the Web spend 168 million of e-mails, 370000 phone calls via Skype , 98000 tweets, 694,445 Google searches,1500 new blog posts, 600 new videos uploaded to YouTube … that is an amazing mine of data and control it is the real challenge.

The web site published by Assange is an excellent source for all those person who take in care their “privacy dream”. Governments and private companies monitor us, they listen our conversations, they read our emails … they are tracing our life and to much time they are influencing it. This is the new frontier, to be able to control human perception of the life directing political opinion, culture, customs and costumes even commercial needs.

Now I will not bore you … Let’s go to take a look at the operating site, let understand who and why is spying us and let think on how evade them …

Pierluigi Paganini



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