Experts at Trusteer have recently discovered an adv on the Russian underground market regarding a new financial Trojan dubbed Kronos. Russian underground is probably the most prolific market for sale of banking malware, malicious code like Citadel, Zeus, Gozi have infected millions computers worldwide dominating the malware threat landscape. The huge demand for banking trojan is creating the conditions […]
US Secret Service and the NCCIC have alerted hoteliers about a potential presence of keyloggers in the machines provided to guests in hotel business centers. US Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security’s National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) have issued a non-public security advisory in the hospitality industry to warn on the activities of cyber […]
Chinese Executive charged of Hacking on Boeing and other defense contractors to steal military data and advanced technologic projects. According to a US criminal complaint, computers of Boeing and other military contractors have been hacked to steal intellectual property and trade secrets on transport aircraft. The initial attacks against Boeing probably occurred between Jan 14th and […]
Security researchers at AIRBUS have uncovered a new APT, named Pitty Tiger, involved in a cyber espionage campaign which targeted mainly private companies. Security experts at AIRBUS Defence & Space – CyberSecurity unit have recently disclosed the results of their investigation on a new APT dubbed Pitty Tiger involved in a cyber espionage campaign which targeted mainly private companies. Also in […]
Experts from Cyphort Labs have discovered an extensive data theft campaign named Nighthunter that has been active since 2009 stealing victim’s credentials. Security experts at Cyphort firm have recently uncovered a five-year-old attack campaign dubbed NightHunter arranged to steal user credentials for Dropbox, Facebook, and other web services. The malicious campaign is cross sector, every industry […]
Experts from Malcovery Security have discovered that the Gameover Zeus botnet is reborn, a new improved version has emerged from the underground. A few weeks ago we have praised a multinational effort for the takeover of the Gameover Zeus botnet, one of the most long-lived and dangerous malicious infrastructure composed by a number of compromised computers ranging from 500,000 […]
Security Experts at Danish CSIS Security Group have discovered that source code of Tinba banking trojan was published on an underground forum. The source code for Tinba banking trojan, aka Tinybanker, has been leaked in the cybercrime ecosystem, the malware is recognized as the smallest banking malicious code in the wild and it is available on an underground forum. The […]
Analysis of the compliance measures to be put in place in order to face data protection issues affecting the Internet of Things. The Internet of Things is expected to lead to 50 billion connected devices by 2020 collecting and exchanging personal data about their users, their lives, their preferences and tastes. This will lead not […]
Facebook in a joint operation with the Greek Cyber Crime Division dismantled the Lecpetex botnet, which infected 250,000 Computers in different countries. Facebook has announced to have successfully conducted the takeover of the Lecpetex botnet in Greece. The bad actors operating in Greece were using the popular social media platform for illicit activities, including data stealing, malware distribution […]
Google Security experts have detected and blocked unauthorized digital certificates for a number of its domains issued by the NIC of India. Google announced to have blocked unauthorized digital certificates for different of its domains issued by the National Informatics Centre of India, which holds several intermediate CA certificates trusted by the Indian Controller of Certifying Authorities (India CCA). […]