Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini December 03, 2011
Cybercrime, an industry that knows no crisis

  During this days I had the opportunity to read the results of a couple of surveys: The PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). Its Global Economic Crime Survey has demonstrated that Cybercrime has double digit growth being today third biggest crime threat in UK businesses behind asset theft crimes, frauds and corruption Norton Cybercrime Report: The Human Impact, an groundbreaking study […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 01, 2011
“Mobile” intrigue … A prying eyes to carry around …

Let we use these ingredients to start some serious reflection on safety issues related to mobile devices: Robust growth in the mobile market, accompanied by technological advances that have made ​​these devices real PC. No awareness of those who use mobile terminals in relation to threats that they face. 2011 years of overtaking sales of […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 29, 2011
From printers to ovens … next step hack our brains.

Are we able to ensure that every peripherals connected to our computers and present in our offices is proof of attack? The first answer will be … “sure”.  We observe same problem with our household appliance that are being more intelligent. The evolution of automation and technology push in the direction of making each device available on the network. This is open up new and interesting  hacking scenarios.  In this days I have read a news on a web […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 27, 2011
E-Corruption … “who controls the controller?”

The control of information is the main concern of Governments. More or less declared the major players of a precarious global economy have implemented digital surveillance systems, from India to China, passing Russia and USA. The crucial point is the legality of these actions conducted  by Intelligence Agencies in the name of Nations Security abusing the rights of citizens.  To this we must consider another  significant issue , the corruption.  Corruption has no Country and is a cross problem […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 25, 2011
How much cost malware production? Which are the processes for the production of virus? (Part.1)

It is clear that the question awaits an answer deterministic, but an assessment of the main factors that influence the “final expense”. My idea is to understand what is the magnitude of the phenomenon and the costs related to a not necessarily familiar audience .  The goal is to raise awareness in the process of developing malware, and its costs. What is the purpose of the malware and how it affects the final cost? Is there a direct relationship between cost and purpose? Is there a relationship between the cost […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 24, 2011
Water utilities hacked … another SCADA system attack

The SCADA systems at the Water utilities in Illinois were hacked by a malicious attacker. “the SCADA system was powered on and off, burning out a water pump.” This is what the hacker has posted  giving proof of a direct compromise of the SCADA systems at this water utility confirming that there was actual damage. […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 23, 2011
Cyber Threats, high social impact but … which is the level of awareness?

Last week I had the opportunity to discuss with my father of adverse economic situation and in particular of the Italian public spending. I have introduced some reference to the arms and in particular cyber weapons. What are they? What are the threats we face? What is the social cost to fight and mitigate the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 22, 2011
Massive DNS poisoning: What happened to brazilian ISPs?

What is purpose for DNS cache poisoning attacks? DNS cache poisoning is an  attack methodology used to compromise in the Domain Name System and is made introduceding data artifacts into a DNS name server’s cache database that did not originate from authoritative sources. Consider that the domain name server translates a domain name into an specific […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 21, 2011
Hacking satellites

In a few days we have heard of a couple of satellite attacks by hackers meanwhile surfing on the web I came across more than one occasion in satellite photos reporting strange structures that we asked the real intended use. The successful attacks occurred in 2007 and 2008. The more serious of the two happened […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 20, 2011
Elude control … let’s digitally sign malware code

F-Secure Researchers have discovered a digitally signed malware that has code signed with a stolen government certificate belonging to the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute. The issue has long been known and this attack methodic has triggered a widespread lack of confidence in the process of trusting based on the use of certificates. The impairment […]