Researchers have demonstrated how crooks can make ATMs spit out thousands of dollars in cash in just a few minutes by using data stolen from EMV cards. When the EMV (Europay, MasterCard, and Visa) was introduced, the vast majority of security experts believed solved the problems caused by easy to clone magnetic stripe cards. EMV chip-equipped […]
Apple has chosen the Black Hat 2016 security conference to announce the launch of its bug bounty program, hackers can earn up to $200,000 for a flaw. Great news for bug hunters, finally Apple announced that it will pay hackers that will find bugs in its products. Apple is the last IT giant to launch […]
Gh0s7 is a hacker that has participated in several hacking campaigns which is known for its efforts against the ISIS propaganda online. Enjoy the interview! Did you participate in several hacking campaigns? could you tell me more about you? I was the founder of Ghost Squad Hackers , when i started my hacktivism and (if it […]
The rise of the Internet of Things is being heralded by many as the beginning of a new Industrial Revolution. Technology firms are now linking objects ranging from household appliances to industrial machinery to the internet. With telecommunications firms on board, manufacturers are coming up with new, innovative uses for everyday objects. Yet linking these […]
At Black Hat USA, the security researcher Elie Bursztein demonstrated the dangers of found USB drive and how to create a realistic one. Giving a look at the titles of the presentations in the agenda of the Black Hat USA Conference 2016 I noticed an interesting topic proofed by the security expert Elie Bursztein, the […]
Security experts have uncovered several critical flaws in Cisco Small Business Routers that in some cases could result in the take over of the device Security experts Adam Zielinski and Harri Kuosmanen reported to CISCO several critical and high severity flaws in the CISCO Small Business Routers. According to CISCO, the CVE-2015-6397Â flaw affects RV series […]
The Israeli intelligence firm Intsights has breached a Telegram ISIS group, members shared info on US bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia. The Israeli security firm Intsights claims to have breached a Telegram group run by jihadists that were planning to attack a list of US bases in Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia. The company announced to […]
Hackers accessed Telegram accounts in Iran, a security duo investigated the security breach and will present its findings at the Black Hat Conference. 15 million Iranian Telegram accounts have been compromised, users have reportedly had their personal information exposed (phone number, Telegram ID). The security researchers Collin Anderson and Claudio Guarnieri have investigated the case, more […]
Paladin is a hacker that has participated in several hacking campaigns which is known for its efforts against the ISIS propaganda online. Did you participate in several hacking campaigns? could you tell me more about you? I have participated in many operations and campaigns over my 9 years in this community, I started at basic coding […]
Weston Hecker, a security researcher with Rapid7, has devised a $6 tool to open guest rooms and hack into Point-of-Sale systems. It is not difficult to image that it is quite easy for hackers to hack a hotel room door, but it is surprising to discover that it is possible to do with a $6 […]