
Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2015
CERT warns of hard-coded credentials in home routers

DSL home routers from a number of vendors contain hard-coded credentials that could allow a hacker to hijack the network devices via telnet services. A bunch of home gateway vendors, presumably sourcing their firmware from the same place, can be hijacked using depressingly common hard-coded logins. Experts from the Carnegie-Mellon CERT discovered that a number of home […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2015
GitHub Again Hit by a new DDoS attack

GitHubhit by another major DDoS attack to because Chinese developers have been forced by police to remove projects of tools to circumvent “Great Firewall.” The software collaboration site GitHub was hit by another DDoS on Tuesday morning that made the website unavailable to many users for several hours. The GitHub platform already suffered a major DDoS attack in March, in that […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 26, 2015
PayPal critical Flaw allows to steal all your funds

The expert Ebrahim Hegazy discovered a critical Stored XSS Vulnerability Paypal Critical Vulnerability to steal Users Credit Cards in ClearText format. The popular security expert Ebrahim Hegazy (@Zigoo0) has discovered a critical Stored XSS Vulnerability in “https://Securepayments.Paypal.com” that could be exploited by attackers to steal Paypal users credit card and login credentials … and more!Paypal SecurePayments domain […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 26, 2015
Be aware enterprises, it’s time to block Tor network

A research conducted by the IBM X-Force team reveals that a growing number of cyber attacks against big IT enterprises relies on the Tor network. With the increase of Tor-based attacks, something needs to change, and IBM is advising companies to start blocking Tor. A research conducted by the IBM X-Force team reveals that SQL […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 26, 2015
Sphinx, a new variant of Zeus available for sale in the underground

A new variant of the popular Zeus banking trojan dubbed was Sphinx is appeared for sale on the black market, it operates entirely through the Tor network. A few days ago a new variant of the popular Zeus banking trojan was offered for sale on the black market, its name is Sphinx. Sphinx code is […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 26, 2015
SysAdmin admin tool AutoIt used in targeted attacks to serve malware

Security experts at Cisco have uncovered a targeted attack leveraging on AutoIt to serve a RAT and other malware by evading detection. Security experts at Cisco uncovered a targeted hacking campaign that leveraged AutoIt to spread RAT and other malware via Word documents. The RATs were used to compromise computer of a small number of organizations. “AutoIt […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 25, 2015
The relentless ascent of DDoS attacks

The report Q2 2015 State of the Internet published by Akamai states that there has been a multiplying growth in the quantity of DDoS assaults year over year There has been a multiplying growth in the quantity of DDoS assaults year over year, as per Akamai. Keeping in mind assailants’ planer preferred less capable yet […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 25, 2015
Samsung smart fridge opens Gmail login to hack

At the recent DEF CON hacking conference penetration testers demonstrated that  Samsung smart fridge leaves Gmail logins open to attack. Once again Internet of Things raises security concerns, this time security researchers have discovered a way to steal users’ Gmail credentials from a Samsung smart fridge. At the recent DEF CON hacking conference, they presented a […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 24, 2015
When car hacking has become a scaring reality

Security experts have no doubt about the evolution of the car hacking, we are just at the beginning and we need improve cyber security urgently. The last weeks were very interesting for the security experts interested in the cyber security of modern connected cars. People is even more curious about the car hacking following the […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 24, 2015
Thousands Britons’s hard drives easy to hack with Shodan info

Thousands Britons have been exposed in massive new data hack, their personal and financial data are easy to access online with a simple query on Shodan. Thousands of Britons are exposed to cyber crime after the content of their PC was exposed on the Internet by Shodan, a website dubbed the “Google for hackers.” The leaked […]