
Pierluigi Paganini September 03, 2014
Brazilian cyber criminals targeting home routers

Experts at Kaspersky spotted an interesting attack from Brazilian criminals that try to change the DNS settings of home routers by using a web-based attack. Experts at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered a hacking campaign conducted by Brazilian threat actors which is targeting home routers by using a web-based attack. The hackers are adopting different techniques, […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 02, 2014
Bogus cellphone towers found in the US

CryptoPhone 500 security firm has found 17 bogus cellphone towers in the US with a heavily customized handset exploited for surveillance activities. Seventeen mysterious cellphone towers have been discovered in the USA, they are identical to legitimate towers, the unique difference is related a heavily customized handset built for Android security. According to the Popular Science, […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 01, 2014
APWG Q2 2014 report, phishing is even more dangerous

The APWG Report Q2 2014 states that phishing activities continue to increase, phishers are targeting Crypto Currency, Payment Services and Retail Sites. The APWG has published its new report related to phishing activities in the period April – June 2014, the document titled “Phishing Activity Trends Report, 2nd Quarter 2014” states that online payment services […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 31, 2014
How to discover Wi-Fi WPS password in one second with offline calculations

Dominique Bongard has presented an improvement to previous attack on WPS which allows to discover the PIN in just one second with offiline calculations. The researcher Dominique Bongard has presented an improvement for the attack on wireless routers with poorly implemented versions of the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup). The WPS is a popular network security standard that allows […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 29, 2014
97K Bugzilla users affected by data disclosure

Mozilla Security Team announced a new accidental disclosure of email addresses and encrypted passwords of about 97,000 Bugzilla users. On Wednesday, officials at Bugzilla, the bug-tracking system managed by Mozilla, confirmed that email addresses and encrypted passwords belonging to 97,000 of their users had been disclosed. Bugzilla is a bug-tracking software system widely used by […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 29, 2014
Google Dorking is a threat to Gov sensitive data according to a Feds memo

FBI and National Counterterrorism Center issued a memo to warn Government agencies on the risks related to Google Dorking on their websites. On July 7th, the FBI and the National Counterterrorism Center issued a memo to warn law enforcement and private security agencies about the practice of Google Dorking  and its capabilities. The FBI warns the recipients […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 29, 2014
Major cyber attacks hit 5 US banks including JPMorgan

US law enforcement and private security firms are investigating on a series of cyber attacks which hit JPMorgan and other financial institutions. The FBI announced that the Bureau is investigating media reports of cyber attacks on US banks and financial firms, but law enforcement hasn’t provided further information on the incidents neither on the affected companies. […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2014
A Wide Open Backdoor is present in million Netis Routers

Routers manufactured by Netcore and sold worldwide under Netis brand have a wide-open backdoor that can be fairly easily exploited by threat actors. Experts at TrendMicro discovered that routers manufactured by Chinese security vendor and sold under the brand name Netcore in China have a hard-coded password. The hard-coded password allows attackers to access user’s traffic with a backdoor, […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 27, 2014
An automated DDoS reflection attack tool used in the wild

A group of hackers dubbed DERP has created a super tool to coordinate multi protocol DDoS reflection attacks as explained by Melbourne-based Micron21 firm. For the first time ever a hacking group coordinated a range of different DDoS reflection attacks against a data center of the firm Melbourne-based Micron21, the attack occurred on August 2nd. The experts […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 26, 2014
ICREACH program, NSA Search Engine for communications analysis

ICREACH is the codename for the NSA’s Secret Google-Like Search Engine for Metadata Analysis disclosed by a new collection of documents leaked by Snowden. ICREACH is the name of a Google-like search engine designed by the National Security Agency (NSA) that provides metadata related to individuals living in US to more than two dozen US government agencies. The Intercept […]