
Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2013
Mobile Botnets: From anticipation to reality!

Anticipations on mobile botnets’ existence have been ended by the Damballa Research Laboratory official reports which discovered 40,000 infected mobile devices that have communicated through cybercriminal C&C servers for the first six months of 2011. Moreover, the McAfee research lab early prediction on advent of widely-distributed and more resilient mobile botnets come closer to reality […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2013
Threat Intelligence Report by Solutionary, rise of cyber attacks

Continues my overview of the main security reports published by leading companies that produce interesting analysis on the analysis of cyber threats, today I desire to introduce the data proposed by Solutionary in the “2013 Global Threat Intelligence Report” (registration is required). The GTIR report provides insight into prevalent cyber threats identified in 2012 thanks […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2013
Censorship, governments and corporations enemies of internet

The use of technologies to support censorship is deplorable and condemnable but it must be considered that is a sad reality that has sustained the growth of a billionaire market. Many IT companies around the world are specialized in the providing of solutions used by authoritarian regimes to monitor internet use and persecute the opponents. […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 12, 2013
Researcher demonstrated serious flaw in Apple App Store

Once again the security of large scale application and platform is challenged, today is the turn of Apple, in particular of its famous Apple store that according the Researchers Elie Bursztein  was vulnerable for more than half year. The developer supported Apple to discovery and fix an important vulnerability that allowed to steal passwords and […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 10, 2013
Microsoft Skype accused of supporting the surveillance in China

In many occasion we have discussed about the consequences of monitoring activities on internet and communication channels operated by governments all over the world, in particular of the censorship and persecutions operated by authoritarian regimes. In discussion is the technological support often provide by Western IT company in the name of business that totally ignore […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 08, 2013
Brilliant hacker Zatko confirms ending of Cyber Fast Track program

The popular white hat hacker Peiter C. Zatko, aka Mudge, confirms to have ended his experience with the Cyber Fast Track program. The story has begun when one of the most famous US hackers Peiter C. Zatko, also known as Mudge and a member of the hacking group The Cult of the Dead Cow, decided to […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2013
My read of WebSense 2013 Threat Report

WebSense has just released 2013 Threat Report, an interesting analysis of cyber threats based on data collected by the Websense ThreatSeeker Network. The study confirmed the growth of cyber threats able to elude traditional defense mechanisms and that mainly targeted mobile platforms and social media. Internet is confirmed as primary vector for cyber menaces, web threats […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 05, 2013
Java exploit signed with certificate stolen to Bit9

According security experts the numerous cyber attacks that hit principal IT companies, news agencies and government offices exploited zero-day vulnerabilities in Java software to the point that many recommend to uninstall Java plug-in from our browser unless absolutely necessary. Same clamor had obtained in the past the discovery that malware source codes were signed with […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 04, 2013
US retaliation strategy against hackers

The year started very difficult for the U.S. government, its networks have been constantly hit by hackers that for different reasons have tried to steal sensitive information and intelligence secrets. The principal menaces against US come from state-sponsored hackers and hacktivists, in the last months we have read of many cyber attacks, mainly for cyber […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 03, 2013
Evernote hacked, how respond to yet another data breach?

Another noisy attack has alerted IT community, online note service Evernote is the latest firm to get hacked. The company provides the popular service to around 50 million users,  the attackers accessed data of some users such as usernames, passwords and email addresses. Actually there is no evidence that contents in Everynote have been accessed […]