
Pierluigi Paganini April 22, 2013
HTTP-Botnets: The Dark Side of a Standard Protocol!

When the HTTP protocol was born in 1999, no one ever thought it will be used by one of the most dangerous Cyber threats called Botnet. A bot is an application that can perform and repeat a particular task faster than a human. When a large number of bots infect different targets (e.g. Computers and […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 17, 2013
Almost all game hacks are infected with malware

Security worldwide community is alarmed by the explosion of number of cyber threats that are becoming even more sophisticated and are exploring new channel to infect a larger number of machines for various purposes, from cyber espionage to the realization of complex fraud. Antivirus company AVG has published an interesting study on games hacks that […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2013
DHS alerted energy companies on ongoing spear-phishing campaign

Cyber espionage is considerable as  one of the most aggressive and dangerous cyber threats, its silent operation could steal sensitive information, company secrets and intellectual properties for a long time. Recently many cyber espionage campaigns have been discovered, last in order of time is the Winnti campaign but we cannot forted also Red October and […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 14, 2013
WordPress sites under massive brute-force attack

Any owner of WordPress site is shaking causes of the threat that someone could steal its credentials, everybody would do well to ask themselves if their passwords are really strong and to make sure to don’t use as username the word “admin.” The reports published by CloudFlare and HostGator revealed a massive attack being launched against WordPress blogs […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 13, 2013
How to respond to a data breach

The number of cyber attacks is increased in an impressive way, cyber criminals, hacktivists, independent and state-sponsored hackers are daily operating in cyberspace conducting more or less dangerous offensive. Everyone is exposed to concrete risks of cyber attacks, internet users, private business and government offices, that’s why is fundamental to have a clear idea on […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 12, 2013
Winnti – a cyber espionage case for gaming industry

Another cyber espionage campaign has been discovered by Kaspersky Lab Team, I start to get the feeling that whatever is done online we cannot avoid being spied. What is singular this time is the sector hit by the attackers, the gaming industry, that using a malware signed with a valid digital certificate has been used […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 11, 2013
You play I hack you … ReVuln online poker security

One of the most interesting company in security landscape is ReVuln, its researchers specialize in the security assessment and are the authors or various interesting studies on large scale applications and SCADA systems, few weeks ago I presented their work on vulnerability assessment on Gaming platforms. This time I desire to present another excellent analysis […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 04, 2013
FireEye on alarming evolution of advanced threats in H2 2012

FireEye is one of most interesting security companies, thanks to its investigations many cases have been discovered in the last months, such as the attack to Bit9 companies and the abuse of its certificate to sign malicious code. The security firm has just published a new interesting report titled “2H 2012 Advanced Threat Report” reporting […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 02, 2013
Hacktive Security discoveries flaw in Ruzzle protocol that menaces user’s privacy

Researchers at Hacktive Security, an independent security consulting company, have demonstrated how much insidious could be a so a simple and crimeless large scale application. We are in the digital era, everything is connected to the large networks and applications benefit of even more complex devices that deeply interact with the owner, in this scenario […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 01, 2013
Webroot – Impact of Web-borne threats on businesses

Webroot has recently published an interesting study, available here (registration required), on latest Web-borne threats and their economic impact providing also useful suggestions on how to implement an effective defense. The survey revealed a direct correlation between free access to web resources by employees of the companies and the level of exposure to cyber threats such as malware and phishing attacks. […]