Social Networks

Pierluigi Paganini June 02, 2015
Facebook positive step to use PGP for sending encrypted notification emails

Facebook users can add PGP keys to their profiles in order to receive “end-to-end” encrypted notification emails sent from Facebook. On June 1, 2015, Facebook announced a new security feature to enhance the privacy of notification email content. Now, Facebook users are able to add PGP keys to their profiles in order to receive “end-to-end” […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 28, 2015
Marauder’s Map allows Tracking Facebook Friends with a Chrome extension

Marauder’s Map is the name of a Chrome extension developed by Aran Khanna to simply track Facebook users using Facebook Messanger data. A student from Cambridge, Aran Khanna, has developed a Chrome extension that allows tracking Facebook friends on map. The developer named the extension Marauder’s Map as the magical Marauder’s Map from the Harry Potter books that reveals all of […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 10, 2015
US SOCOM and The Special Forces to Scrutinize Social media

US SOCOM admitted that Counter-Terrorism Special Forces scrutinize FaceBook and other social media to handle potentially useful information. Exactly two years ago I wrote about the use of social media in the Military. I explained why social media platforms represent a powerful instrument for activities operated by governments and intelligence agencies. Modern social media networks are actively used by […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 09, 2015
Facebook Friends Mapper – How to crawl Hidden Friends

Hackers have a new tool in their arsenal dubbed Facebook Friends Mapper that allows them to crawl Facebook Hidden Friends list just in a click. Facebook users can protect their privacy by setting the “privacy level” for every information related their profile or content they post online. Users can decide to completely set as private the information in […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 08, 2015
Beware Of Game of 72, it challenges teenagers to disappear for 72 hours

Police worldwide are warning of a social media game dubbed game of 72 that is challenging teenagers to disappear for three long days. Any abuse of technology against children and youngster can have devastating effects social media them, their lives and their harmony of their families. Social media are among the paradigms that can be transformed […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 30, 2015
Anonymous vigilantes are fighting against the ISIS propaganda

The New York Times reported that a group of hackers is interfering with the activities made through social media by members of the ISIS group. According to The New York Times hackers are targeting accounts used by ISIS members for propaganda and recruit new sympathizers. A group of hackers using the pseudonyms of TouchMyTweets, The Doctor and IS Hunting are targeting suspected ISIS […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2015
A new Facebook Worm exploits multiple cloud services

Security Experts at Malwarebytes security firm spotted a new  Facebook worm that spreads itself by leveraging multiple cloud services. Social media are a privileged attack vector, recent reports published by the principal security firms confirm that cyber criminal are exploiting these platforms for illegal activities. Last disastrous news for the users of the popular social […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 12, 2015
Hacking Facebook by exploiting two reflected file download flaws

A security researcher has discovered two different  reflected file download flaws in Facebook that could be exploited to hit its users. Security researcher David Sopas from WebSegura has discovered a couple of security flaw in Facebook that could be exploited by an attacker respectively to upload an arbitrary file to the social network or to gain control […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 04, 2015
Twitter locked down Tor by requiring a phone number for sign-up

Internet users that want to create a new account on Twitter through the Tor network must now provide a phone number to verify their identity. A few days ago, Twitter announced plans to begin tracking users via their mobile phone number, a measure that the company consider necessary in order to fight the trolls. Following the […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2015
Facebook Policies and New Terms of Use Have Been under Scrutiny in Europe

A recent report about the privacy policy of Facebook has shed light to potential problems and disagreements with legal concerns in the EU. There is a recent report from Belgium focusing on the revised terms of use that have to do with Facebook. Due to its enormous popularity even apart from the fact that it’s […]