Social Networks

Pierluigi Paganini December 22, 2011
Russia, cyber repression in the social networks era

Several times in these posts we have discussed of the importance of social media in recent years. Social Media are the valuable carrier to disclose political decisions taken by central governments. This is well known to the main strategist of governments such as Russia, the country where a massive cyber repressive action was carried out […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 20, 2011
The thin line between monitoring and censorship

During the last year we have seen the consolidation of the tendency to use social media as a major vector for the exchange of information. The imperative is to be social, no matter if you need to share photos with friends or to express an opinion on a topic of social interest. Over the past […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 15, 2011
The year of the networked protest, from SOPA act to Anonymous

It’s end of the year and time for reflections. Yesterday we have discussed on incident occurred to CAs, but what else will we remember of this 2011? No doubts, we will remember the new way to use Internet, an irreplaceable vector for social protests, expression of social malaise and of too much stolen liberty. We […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 12, 2011
From the mosaic theory to the stuxnet case

With the term of Mosaic theory we refer the method used in security analysis to gather information about a corporation. A natural extension of the method hit its application to ordinary life. Mosaic theory involves collecting information from different sources, public and private, to calculate the value of security. The key concept is the collection and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 11, 2011
India The blurred line between defense and cyber censorship

In this article I wish to bring to your attention what I regard as gross contradiction of a nation whose people I admire for their professionalism and dedication to work, India. In my previous article “Cyber India” lights and shadows of the country full of contradictions I presented a picture of the nation in terms of cyberwarfare, […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 09, 2011
Top Nine cyber security trends for 2012? They are too few, isn’t it?

In this article I intend to read with you an interesting document, distributed by Imperva, in which they emphasized, the main threats that could cause significant problems in the coming year.  Please carefully read the entire article, first we discuss the nine threats that worry Imperva, then I will introduce the most dangerous threats from my point of view. Do not spend days where you do not hear of cyber threats, risks and possible defense strategies implemented. Governments but […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 07, 2011
The utopian privacy

Are you able to imagine a world in which everybody is free to communicate without being intercepted, spied on, tracked? Have you ever dreamt, reading sad and bad news pages on the censure of many governments, a world where the concept of freedom of thought has been materialized? In recent decades we have witnessed radical […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2011
Social Network Poisoning … they want to spy on us, we evade

Social Network Poisoning term refers the effect produced by the application of methods designed to make unreliable the knowledge related to a profile and its relationships. “Be Social” is the imperative of the last years. We live alternative lives, we have dense networks of relationships, we feel the irrepressible urge to be part of a group, to fill the void that we carry within. But this human propensity to aggregation is now the foundation of the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2011
Assange, Spy Files and uncomfortable truths

If we talk about security which could be our worst nightmare? My answer is “to be vulnerable in every moment of our day, whatever we are doing and wherever we are” How could this happen? Imagine that someone has installed an app on our phones, and he is able to stalk us, to know our […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 28, 2011
Cryptome, social networks and the inconvenient truth

Cryptome, known as Wikileaks’s competitor site  has published  online several reserved documents revealing that the police have access to information of social networks.  The documents describe how the police is able to access to Facebook user information or to the services provided by companies such as AOL and Microsoft. On Cryptome site are also available some guides that explains to cops how to investigate on a person who has used the Yahoo! Messenger. The […]