cyber espionage

Pierluigi Paganini April 25, 2012
Russian cybercrime, not only a localized threat

Several times I wrote on cybercrime trying to analyze a phenomenon that grows with an impressive rhythm. The trend is uniform all over the word, cybercrime business is increasing its profits despite the economic crisis. The impact of cybercrime is transversal, industry, private businesses and governments, are all players that suffers the incoming cyber threats. […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 23, 2012
Analysis of cybercrime and its impact on private and military sectors

The article is published on the last edition of PenTest AUDITING & STANDARDS 03 2012.  Several reports published in the last months demonstrate that Cybercrime has double digit growth, being today among the four biggest crime threat all over the world, within asset theft crimes, frauds and corruption. The trend is the same all over the word, […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 20, 2012
Cyber threats in mobile environment

Today I desire to share with you the results of a study of Trend Micro security firm focused on mobile threat incidents related to the first quarter of 2012. The large diffusion of mobile devices and the leak of awareness on the principal cyber threats have produced an increasing interest of the cybercrimein mobility sector, […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 18, 2012
Walk trough the penetration testing fundamentals

The article is published on the last edition of Pentest Magazine. Enjoy the reading, the magazine is free and to download it you just have to create a free account on Talking about penetration testing fundamentals and their introduction in private and military sectors. The growing request for experienced IT professionals is demonstration of the awareness […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 15, 2012
Anonymous,from OpTrialAtHome to the streets,is time for changing

Another Saturday, another round, as announced today the group Anonymous has targeted government sites to protest against British government policy. Nothing new over last week, same goals, same mode of attack, the same result. On internet bounced messages of joy for having staged the second act of the operation called by the group #OpTrialAtHome.   Let’s start making some reflections on the real utility of these […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 10, 2012
Governments and gaming platforms, it’s time for warfare

The US government is financing several activities to investigate and hack into the technology spread in every device that ordinary surround us. This is the next step of the warfare, spy and attacks foreign enemy simply accessing to the devices that are presents in their offices, in their houses and in their cars. Every device […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 09, 2012
China, cyber warfare and challenges for the future

When discuss on cyber warfare we cannot regardless of the role played by nations such as China, U.S. and Russia. In particular, the Beijing government has distinguished itself in recent years for two key aspects: the aggressive strategy cyber conduct towards foreign countries the country’s willingness to become independent from the technological The second aspect is […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 03, 2012
Cyber Weapons

Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – April Edition “Cyber_Warfare” First let’s try to provide a definition of cyber-weapon, to do this I get inspiration from an article written by experts Thomas Rid and Peter McBurney. Correctly define cyber weapon has significant legal and political consequences as well as the security itself. The line […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 02, 2012
Chinese hackers & Operation ‘Luckycat’ against Japan, Tibet and India

Recently experts monitored several targeted attacks against Tibetan activist organizations including the International Campaign for Tibet and the Central Tibet Administration. Researchers suspect the involvement of China and on groups of hackers sponsored by the Beijing government. In multiple cases, we have seen how the Chinese government promotes and supports from the economic point of view […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 27, 2012
Huawei – Symantec, broken join venture and the fear on chinese firms

Huawei – Symantec joint venture is ended because the US firm feared business repercussion for the collaboration with the Chinese giant It’s official, the joint venture between Symantec and Huawei Technologies is ended because the American IT security firms feared that the collaboration with the Chinese telecommunications producer could have a sensible impact on its business. […]