A new malvertising campaign has been spotted by experts at Fox-IT, the researchers discovered malicious ads on high-profile websites including Java.com. Experts at Fox-IT revealed in a blog post the Internet firm AppNexus is the origin of a new “malvertising” campaign, which is based on the Angler Exploit Kit to redirect visitors to malicious websites serving the Asprox malware. AppNexus provides a platform […]
Microsoft has announced the official patch for the critical vulnerability discovered recently in the Internet Explorer. Microsoft has published the “Microsoft Security Bulletin Advance Notification for June 2014” in which are released seven security Bulletins addressing different vulnerabilities in the company’s products. The notification includes two critical Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities affecting the products Microsoft Windows, Internet Explorer, MS […]
Zero Day Initiative website has disclosed a new zero-day Internet Explorer 8 vulnerability which was reported to Microsoft four months ago but not yet fixed Microsoft had kept hidden a critical Zero-Day vulnerability in Internet Explorer 8 since October 2013, this is the last disconcerting news that is circulating within the security community. Peter ‘corelanc0d3r’ Van […]
FireEye Research Labs has identified a new IE zero-day vulnerability exploited in a series of targeted attacks part of the Operation Clandestine Fox. FireEye Research Labs has identified a new Internet Explorer (IE) zero-day vulnerability exploited in a series of targeted attacks. The zero-day flaw affects a wide range of versions of the popular browser, […]
Symantec has issued The Internet Security Threat Report, a document which provides an overview and analysis of global threat evolution in 2013. Security experts are observing a significant increase in the number of targeted cyber-attacks, it has been estimated that the growth is by 91 per cent in 2013 respect previous year, but most concerning […]
Security experts at FireEye uncovered a cyber espionage campaign based on multiple MH370 themed spear phishing emails. Security researchers at FireEye have revealed a link between a recent spear phishing campaign on Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 and the attacks conducted by some advanced persistent threat (APT) attackers. The mysterious skyjacking of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft of Malaysian Airlines, flight MH370, is considered one of the events […]
FireEye issued the 2013 Advanced Threat Report, the study provides a high-level overview of the computer network attacks by APTs discovered by the company. Today I desire to analyze with you the data proposed by FireEye in the 2013 Advanced Threat Report (ATR), the study provides a high-level overview of the computer network attacks discovered […]
Security researchers from FireEye have recently  discovered a new IE 10 Zero-Day exploit being used in a watering hole attack. Security experts at FireEye discovered a new IE 10 Zero-Day exploit (CVE-2014-0322) being used in a watering hole attack on the US Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) website. The zero-day allows the attacker to modify one byte […]
Dutch security firm Fox IT discovered an ongoing malware-based attack that hit thousands of Yahoo users via malicious ads. Users are alerted. Since the December 30th Yahoo website is proposing a malicious ad that was serving a malware, the discovery was made by Dutch security firm Fox IT. Visitors to the Yahoo website see the […]
Users of Netflix, the provider of on-demand Internet streaming media, must beware of Silverlight exploit that could allow attackers to hack their systems. A vulnerability in Microsoft Silverlight 5 exposes to the risk of cyber attacks nearly 40 million Netflix streamers, the flaw is being exploited to execute arbitrary code on victim’s systems without any […]