Pierluigi Paganini March 24, 2025
FBI warns of malicious free online document converters spreading malware

The FBI warns of a significant increase in scams involving free online document converters to infect users with malware. The FBI warns that threat actors use malicious online document converters to steal users’ sensitive information and infect their systems with malware. “The FBI Denver Field Office is warning that agents are increasingly seeing a scam […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 29, 2024
BreachForums resurrected after FBI seizure

The cybercrime forum BreachForums has been resurrected two weeks after a law enforcement operation that seized its infrastructure. The cybercrime forum BreachForums is online again, recently a US law enforcement operation seized its infrastructure and took down the platform. The platform is now reachable at breachforums[.]st, which was one of the domains used in the past […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 12, 2024
As of May 2024, Black Basta ransomware affiliates hacked over 500 organizations worldwide

Black Basta ransomware affiliates have breached over 500 organizations between April 2022 and May 2024, FBI and CISA reported. The FBI, CISA, HHS, and MS-ISAC have issued a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) regarding the Black Basta ransomware activity as part of the StopRansomware initiative. Black Basta has targeted at least 12 critical infrastructure sectors, including […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 21, 2024
Akira ransomware received $42M in ransom payments from over 250 victims

Government agencies revealed that Akira ransomware has breached over 250 entities worldwide and received over $42 million in ransom payments. A joint advisory published by CISA, the FBI, Europol, and the Netherlands’ National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-NL) revealed that since early 2023, Akira ransomware operators received $42 million in ransom payments from more than 250 […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 17, 2024
FBI, CISA warn of AndroxGh0st botnet for victim identification and exploitation

U.S. CISA and the FBI warned of AndroxGh0st malware used to create a botnet for victim identification and exploitation in target networks. US CISA and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released a joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to warn of AndroxGh0st malware. The malware is spreading to create a botnet for victim identification and exploitation in target networks. […]

Pierluigi Paganini October 24, 2023
Former NSA employee pleads guilty to attempted selling classified documents to Russia

A former NSA employee has pleaded guilty to charges of attempting to transmit classified defense information to Russia. Jareh Sebastian Dalke (31), a former NSA employee has admitted to attempting to convey classified defense information to Russia, pleading guilty to the charges. The man pleaded guilty today to six counts of attempting to transmit classified […]

Pierluigi Paganini September 30, 2023
FBI warns of dual ransomware attacks

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) warns of dual ransomware attacks aimed at the same victims. The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is warning of dual ransomware attacks, a new worrisome trend in the threat landscape that sees threat actors targeting the same victims two times. “As of July 2023, the FBI noted […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 30, 2023
FBI: Operation ‘Duck Hunt’ dismantled the Qakbot botnet

FBI coordinated an international law enforcement operation, named Operation ‘Duck Hunt’, that dismantled the Qakbot botnet. The FBI announced that the Qakbot botnet has been dismantled as a result of an international law enforcement operation named Operation ‘Duck Hunt.’ Qakbot, also known as QBot, QuackBot and Pinkslipbot, is an info-stealing malware that has been active […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 23, 2023
FBI identifies wallets holding cryptocurrency funds stolen by North Korea

The U.S. FBI warned that North Korea-linked threat actors may attempt to cash out stolen cryptocurrency worth more than $40 million. The Federal Bureau of Investigation shared details about the activity of six cryptocurrency wallets operated by North Korea-linked threat actors. The wallets hold roughly 1,580 Bitcoin (roughly $41 million at the current rate) that […]

Pierluigi Paganini August 04, 2023
CISA, FBI, and NSA published the list of 12 most exploited vulnerabilities of 2022

CISA, the FBI, and NSA, along with Five Eyes cybersecurity agencies published a list of the 12 most exploited vulnerabilities of 2022. CISA, the NSA, and the FBI, in collaboration with cybersecurity authorities from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, have published a list of the 12 most exploited vulnerabilities of 2022. The […]