Recently experts monitored several targeted attacks against Tibetan activist organizations including the International Campaign for Tibet and the Central Tibet Administration. Researchers suspect the involvement of China and on groups of hackers sponsored by the Beijing government. In multiple cases, we have seen how the Chinese government promotes and supports from the economic point of view […]
It has repeatedly reiterated the need for a cyber strategy to reduce risks related to cyber threats from various sources, military, cyber crime or hacktivism. Cyber threats expose our intelligence agencies, our critical infrastructures and our companies to significant risks causing untold perfidious finance. In the area of cyber warfare governments have made considerable strides, gained awareness of the […]
The continued technology push that is shaping our society during the last decade has brought an exponential increase in computer crimes, every technology innovation has in fact represented an opportunity for industry of crimeto make profitable frauds and business. The cyber crime has many facets, cybercrime fact manifests itself in countless forms and contextualized in relation […]
Where can I find money? At the bank of course, this is the thought which underlies dell’orietamento of cyber crime that seems to have targeted the banking industry and its services. The event is not new but the intensification of efforts in this area is troubling . The banking sector is considered a strategic sector […]
The threat arrives via email, is now read consuetidine attacks that use email as a vector for spreading malware. Until now we have observed as typical scenario for the contagion an unsuspecting user that clicks on a link in the body of email that started the download of malware or that open the agent directly […]
Have you ever wondered what are the main threats have concerns the banks and financial institutions? Several survey have been conducted and apart small differenced of on numbers they all have evidenced that Top fraud threats are payment card fraud check fraud phishing/vishing account takeover third-party POS skimming When these frauds are detected? The major […]