Snowden revealed that NSA designed a system called XKeyscore considered the “widest-reaching” architecture for developing intelligence from the internet. XKeyscore, NSA former technicians Edward Snowden revealed that the agency has another secret program to spy on user’s Internet experience tracking practically every his activity … PRISM isn’t an isolated surveillance program. The NSA tool collects ‘nearly […]
Alleged members of the hacker collective Anonymous posted alleged passwords of Hill staffers, but according expert they are outdated and inaccurate. Anonymous claimed to have stolen credentials of members of Congress to protest against the popular surveillance program PRISM. Anonymous is back and once again it targeted US institutions, the group leaked over 2000 username […]
The guardian issued new top secret documents gathered by Edward Snowden demonstrating the intense collaboration between Microsoft and US government. Edward Snowden has issued new top secret documents demonstrating the intense collaboration between Microsoft and US government, in particular the whistleblower revealed the support received by the NSAÂ that obtained by the company the access to […]
Stellar Wind, Prism,EvilOlive, ShellTrumpet are the names of some of the US massive surveillance programs revealed recently by the press … The Guardian published new uncomfortable documents that revealed another surveillance program dubbed Stellar Wind that was started in 2001, after the tragic events of 9/11. According to the secret documents obtained by the Guardian, the program was authorized by President George W. […]
Operation Tempora, is the name of GCHQ program to tap fibre-optic cables for secret access to communications. Operation Tempora, this is the name of last massive tapping program conducted by Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and revealed by The Guardian. Operation Tempora has been going on for at least 18 months, British intelligence adopted “intercept probes” […]
Edward Snowden is the person responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history, he is former technical assistant for the CIA and currently is working at defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Edward Snowden, this name is destined to enter into the history, a single man has compromised the secrecy of the […]
The top-secret PRISM project claims direct access to servers of major IT corporates including Google, Apple and Facebook. The recent news on the control of communications made ââby the US Government through the PRISM program has literally left bewildered public opinion, everyone imagined it but when the Population has been confronted with the evidence remained shocked. […]