The Russia-linked cyber espionage group known as Turla has been using a new piece of JavaScript malware to profile victims, Kaspersky Lab reported on Thursday. Turla is the name of a Russian cyber espionage ATP group (also known as Waterbug, Venomous Bear and KRYPTON) that has been active since at least 2007 targeting government organizations […]
Security experts from Melani published a detailed technical report about the strain of Turla used in the cyberespionage attack against the RUAG firm. A few weeks ago I reported about the cyber espionage attack on the Swiss Defense Department that was revealed after a presentation on cyber espionage to the Federal Intelligence Service. The cyber attack […]
Security experts at Kaspersky Lab published a report on the Turla APT revealing the use Satellite links to control its botnet. According to a new analysis published by the experts at Kaspersky Lab reported that the popular Turla APT group exploited poorly secured satellite infrastructure to hide command-and-control operations. Turla APT was active in the last decade, […]
Security experts at Symantec detected a large-scale cyber espionage campaign which hit personnel at embassies of former Soviet states. Security researchers at Symantec discovered a large-scale cyber attack which is targeting embassies of former soviet states worldwide. The experts detected a huge cyber attack that has been carried out across more than 15 countries, the […]
The agent.btz malware may have served as starting point for malware Turla and the malicious code used in the Red October campaign. In the last weeks we have discussed about the Snake platform used in a large-scale cyber espionage campaign that targeted highly secured systems belonging to Governments and Military all over the world. Experts […]
BAE Systems Applied Intelligence has disclosed a Russian cyber espionage campaign codenamed as SNAKE that targeted Governments and Military Networks. The British cyber specialist BAE Systems Applied Intelligence has disclosed a Russian cyber espionage campaign codenamed as SNAKE that remained undetected for a log time, at least for eight years. The malware can infiltrate Windows XP, Vista, 7 […]