The US CISA shared a list of vulnerabilities known to be exploited in the wild and orders US federal agencies to address them within deadlines. The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has published a catalog of 306 actively exploited vulnerabilities and has issued a binding operational directive ordering US federal agencies to address […]
According to data provided by the CVE Details Apple Mac OS X is the software with the highest number of vulnerabilities in 2015. Which is the software with the greatest number of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in 2015? You will be surprised to know that the software with the major number of vulnerabilities is the Apple […]
Bad news for PC users, Lenovo machines can be hijacked by visiting a malicious website, meanwhile Dell and Toshiba PC are affected by serious flaws. Security Researcher slipstream/RoL posted Proof-of-concept exploits online (3 OEMs Vulnerable To Three Vulnerability Your PCs At Risk) demonstrating how to compromise machines available on the market. Three OEMs. Three applications preinstalled. Three exploits. […]
Evaluation of DHS Information Security Program for Fiscal Year 2015 revealed the existence of dozens of top-secret unpatched databases. The story I’m about to tell you is staggering, the US Department of Homeland Security is running dozens of unpatched and vulnerable databases, a number of them contained information rated as “secret” and even “top secret.” The discovery emerged […]
Secunia firm issued its annual report on vulnerabilities exploited in 2014 in most popular software, a document which includes key figures and facts. Secunia has recently released its annual study of trends in software vulnerabilities, an interesting report that highlights the impact of the presence of flaws in common software and provide useful details on the […]
The black box attacks are a new alarming trend in the criminal ecosystem, the experts Olga Kochetova and Alexey Osipov have provided a proof-of-concept. Cyber criminals can hack ATM systems and force them to dispense the cash by sending a command through a smartphone, in this attack scenario the mobile devices are used only to send […]
Security experts at Rapid7 firm have public disclosed a series of flaws affecting several thousands of critical infrastructure using Yokogawa software. Several thousands of critical infrastructure may still be vulnerable to SCADA flaws public disclosed this week. It has been estimated that more than 7,600 different chemicals, power and petrochemical plants are affected by the bugs disclosed […]
Secunia’s Vulnerability Review 2014 provides an interesting analysis of the number of vulnerabilities in the Top 50 portfolio products. The Secunia Vulnerability Review provides a vision on global vulnerability trends, evaluating carefully the 50 most popular programs on private PCs. These programs are practically everywhere, in many cases, they are key application for ordinary IT […]
DARPA has launched the Crowd Sourced Formal Verification, it creates a set of games that search for software vulnerabilities involving volunteer gamers. The US Department of Defense Is evaluating the use of video games for finding software vulnerabilities with the collaboration of a network of volunteers. The idea is revolutionary, the support offered to DoD […]
The popular security expert Nir Goldshlager found a serious vulnerability that allows attackers to post spoofed messages from any application on Facebook. Facebook has many vulnerabilities exactly as any other software and daily hackers try to exploit them, the primary concerns of security experts are related to flaws in the popular social network that could all […]