Last Friday, a weaponized version of an NSA exploit was used to infect over two hundred thousand computers in over 150 countries with the WannaCry ransomware. In addition to government ministries and transportation infrastructure, the British National Health Service (NHS) was crippled, disrupting treatment and care for thousands of patients, and putting countless lives at […]
In the IT security community several experts start linking the WannaCry ransomware to the Lazarus Group due to similarities in the attack codes. The security researcher at Google Neel Mehta published a mysterious tweet using the #WannaCryptAttribution hashtag. What did he mean? 9c7c7149387a1c79679a87dd1ba755bc @ 0x402560, 0x40F598ac21c8ad899727137c4b94458d7aa8d8 @ 0x10004ba0, 0x10012AA4#WannaCryptAttribution — Neel Mehta (@neelmehta) May 15, 2017 According […]
The number of victims would rise on Monday when a large number of users will be back at work, then how to protect your systems from the WannaCry ransomware. The massive WannaCry attack targeted systems worldwide, according to the Europol the number of cyber attack hits 200,000 in at least 150 countries. The number of […]
Currently we are seeing a large scale WannaCry ransomware outbreak. This ransomware outbreak is more devastating than others because it spreads laterally. Enjoy the RedSocks ‘s analysis. Who does it affect: Any Windows computer without Windows Patch MS17-010. What to do: Apply patch MS17-010 immediately. MS17-010 The key factor in the ‘success’ of this malware strain called […]
Microsoft issued security patches for Windows XP and Server 2003 in response to the WannaCry ransomware attacks. On Friday, the WannaCry ransomware infected systems at organizations and critical infrastructure across at least 74 countries leveraging NSA exploits, at least 120,000 computers worldwide have been hit in a few hours. The WannaCry exploits the NSA EternalBlue / […]
The WannaCry ransomware worm infected systems at organizations and critical infrastructure across at least 74 countries leveraging NSA exploits. Experts discovered a Kill Switch for the threat. It was a Black Friday for cyber security, organizations and critical infrastructure across at least 74 countries have been infected by the WannaCry ransomware worm, aka WanaCrypt, WannaCrypt or Wcry. […]