Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini December 04, 2015
Ponmocup, never underestimate a botnet that infected 15 million PCs

Ponmocup is one of the oldest botnet that infected more than 15 million machines across the years, but many experts still ignore it. Ponmocup is one of the largest and oldest botnets in circulation, but many security experts still ignore it. According to the experts at Fox IT, the botnet is underestimated and infected across the years […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 03, 2015
Operation Black Atlas, PoS malware is flooding network worldwide

Trend Micro uncovered a large-scale operation dubbed Black Atlas operation, in reference to notorious BlackPOS PoS malware. It’s Christmas time also for crooks, in this period the number of credit card breaches and scams increases with alarming punctuality. In the US, we use to assist an increase of credit card breaches involving PoS malware, last victims in […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 03, 2015
China arrested hackers suspected of OPM hack

The Chinese Government says it has arrested the hackers responsible for breaching the Office of Personnel Management database (OPM). The Chinese government has arrested hackers accused of breaking into the Office of Personnel Management databases, According to The Washington Post, the Chinese government has arrested the hacking crew that breached the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). “The Chinese […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2015
Black marketplace – 50c buys login for stolen media accounts

It is Christmas time and sellers are offering a wide number of products and services in the Black marketplace. 50c buys login for stolen media accounts. Cyber criminals are offering for sale ‘lifetime’ Netflix, HBO, and cable sports streaming accounts for low prices. Sellers of the on the AlphaBay Marketplace, a black marketplace hosted on the […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2015
China blamed for cyber attack on Bureau of Meteorology computer

According to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Chinese hackers have conducted a major attack on a supercomputer operated by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). Chinese hackers have conducted a major attack on a supercomputer operated by Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BoM). The news has been disclosed by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC). The Bureau of Meteorology is […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2015
Darkode forum was supposed to be resuscitated, but …

The experts at the Damballa’s Threat Discovery Center have discovered the revive Darkode forum. On July 2015, an international joint effort of law enforcement allowed the arrest of dozen people active on the popular Darkode crime forum. Darkode was a black market specialized in the sale of exploit kits and hacking tool, its seller also offered spam services and […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 01, 2015
Phishing campaign leveraging on Dropbox targets Hong Kong media

Security experts at FireEye have uncovered an ongoing phishing campaign leveraging Dropbox account linked to “admin@338” as Command and Control platform. Experts at FireEye have discovered an ongoing phishing campaign using a Dropbox account linked to “admin@338” as the delivery platform. The account ” admin@338 ” was also used in the past to deliver malware, but […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 01, 2015
‘In Our Sites’ Operation seized 999 websites offering counterfeit goods

Operation In Our sites  VI (IOS) – Law enforcement from 27 nations collaborated to take down 37,479 counterfeit sites on biggest web takedown ever. Nearly one thousand websites have been seized by law enforcement agencies following the international operation In Our Sites (IOS) VI. The websites were offering for sale counterfeit merchandise online to consumers. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 01, 2015
Pro PoS, a new PoS malware available for sale in the underground

A new strain of PoS malware dubbed Pro PoS Solution is available for sale in the underground forums. It’s Christmas also for criminals who have found a new gift under the Christmas tree, a new powerful strain of PoS malware. According to the threat intelligence firm InfoArmor, the new PoS malware dubbed Pro PoS is available […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 30, 2015
Terror alert spam detected by Symantec in the wild

Cybercriminals impersonate law enforcement officials in Dubai, Bahrain, Turkey, and Canada to send terror alert spam and serve RATs. No Doubts, cyber criminals are jackals always ready to exploit any event in the headlines, even the most dramatic incidents. We have assisted in the past many cases in which crooks exploited the media attention on news […]