Cyber Crime

Pierluigi Paganini March 17, 2014
Bitcoin stealer malware disguised as application to access MtGox DB

The MtGox data leaked by the popular exchange was invented by hackers to infect a large audience with a Bitcoin stealer malware. Last month the biggest MtGox exchange filed for bankruptcy after it lost nearly 850,000 Bitcoins, it is a fraud, according an unknown hacker who breached into the personal blog and Reddit account of MtGox CEO, Mark Karpeles. As usual […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 15, 2014
A sophisticated phishing scheme is targeting Google Docs Users

Security Researchers at Symantec detected a new Sophisticated Phishing Scam that is targeting the Google Docs Users with complex social engineering tricks. Phishing is still considerable as one of the major cyber threats, its impact on the IT industry is devastating considering that attackers are adopting new techniques even more sophisticated.  Principal security firms and CERTs […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 14, 2014
TURBINE, how NSA has plundered botnets to the cybercrime

TURBINE is the codename for a sophisticated hacking platform to take control of C&C servers managed by cybercrime. The NSA has been hijacking the botnets managed by cybercrime to its own purpose, this is the last revelation on questionable activities of the agency. Also this last revelation is based on documents leaked by Snowden, the news was […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 10, 2014
Anonymous hackers hacked MtGox CEO publishing evidence of fraud

A group of anonymous hackers violated the personal blog and Reddit account of the MtGox CEO Mark Karpeles on Sunday. They claim to publish evidence of fraud. Bitcoin community was shocked by recent MtGox data breach, the Bitcoin exchange shuts down after it had announced to have suffered technical issues that forced the exchange to suspend […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 10, 2014
The marketing approach of cybercrime to phishing emails

Mark Sparshott, director at Proofpoint, explained that cybercrime manages phishing emails using techniques similar to those used by the marketing industry. Phishing is still considerable on of principal cyber threats for Internet users, it is even more used to spread malware and link to compromised websites, for this reason cybercriminals are adopting new and innovative […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 09, 2014
DNS amplification botnet available in the underground

Security expert Dancho Danchev profiled a recently released DNS amplification DDoS service available for sale in the underground. Recently the cyber security expert Dancho Danchev profiled new DNS amplification DDoS bot available in the underground, a privileged attack tool for the criminal ecosystem. DDoS attacks observed last year were characterized by an increased magnitude because attackers adopted new techniques […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 08, 2014
Tor network is increasingly attractive for cybercrime

Cyber criminals are abusing even more Tor Network for illegal activities, from botnet management to money laundering, the number of services is increasing. Tor network is even more used by cyber criminals to cover their illegal activities, the Tor community has observed, for example an alarming increase in the number of malware that abuse of […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 07, 2014
Dendroid – A new Android RAT available on the underground

Symantec discovered a new HTTP Android Remote administration tool, named Dendroid, available on the underground market for only $300. Symantec researchers have discovered a new android malware toolkit dubbed Dendroid, early 2014 the company also detected AndroRAT, an Android Remote admin tool which is believed to be the first malware APK binder. Thanks to the diffusion of the Google […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2014
FireEye 2013 Advanced Threat Report on APTs campaigns

FireEye issued the 2013 Advanced Threat Report, the study provides a high-level overview of the computer network attacks by APTs discovered by the company.   Today I desire to analyze with you the data proposed by FireEye in the 2013 Advanced Threat Report (ATR), the study provides a high-level overview of the computer network attacks discovered […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2014
Trend Micro report on Chinese Mobile Underground Market

This report provides a brief overview of some basic underground activities in the mobile space in China, describing products and services. Security firm Trend Micro issued an interesting report on Chinese cybercrime which is increasingly targeting mobile platforms thanks to a vast underground offer of services and tools. Trend Micro Mobile Cybercriminal Underground Market report analyzes […]