The elaboration of a proper cyber strategy is one the main target of intelligence services all around the world. We often discuss of US and Israel, but also European governments are pushing to reinforce their presence in the cyber space. The fear of cyber attacks against critical infrastructures is high, it is a common strategy […]
In the last decade we have observed the raise of cyber attacks, no matter their purpose, cyber warfare or cyber espionage for military or private business, they have demonstrated how much dangerous is a cyber offensive. The U.S.’s leading cyberwarrior has estimated that private businesses are losing hundreds of billions to cyber espionage and cybercrimes, […]
The malware factory still evolving, every day security firms detect new cyber threats that show new sophisticated techniques to avoid protection systems, this is a war that law enforcement fight against cyber criminals. Internet has a new web exploit produced by crime industry, its particularity is that in the deployment phase it is able to […]
The hacktivists of Anonymous are always on and always operating despite many experts continue to downplay the importance and effectiveness of its operations. In recent days the name of the collective was involved in a clamorous revelations for his contribution in the dissemination of precious “Syria Files” a collection of correspondences that detect uncomfortable murky […]
On June 28th, a FBI official declared before a House panel that the phenomenon of cyber espionage is increasing with an alarming trend. We are living a period of great crisis and the intellectual property is becoming a privileged target for cyber attacks. It has been estimated that the economic espionage in the current fiscal […]
I desire to tribute another article to the group that catch the worldwide attention of security community, Anonymous. Few years to consolidate its image become one of the most debated phenomenon on internet, many consider the collective a threat, many other the expression of a dissent to listen. Both interpretations are correct, but letâs think […]
We all remember the Citadel trojan, based on the Zeus experience has evolved becoming one of the most interesting cyber criminal project. Few months ago I wrote on the excellent customer relationship management (CRM) model implemented by its creators. Thanks a malware evolution dictated by market needs, the trojan has evolved in time, many instances […]
Itâs not first time we discuss of cybercrime and in particular of its organizational models, creative servicex offer any kind of support to organizations and individuals that desire to conduct an attack against specific target. Cyber criminals in the past have already used cloud architectures to rent computational resources to involve in powerful cyber attacks. […]
In recent years we are assisting to a profoundly change in the nature of malware, it is increased the development for spy purposes, for its spread in both private and government sectors. The recent case of Flame malware has demonstrated the efficiency of a malicious agent as a gathering tool in a typical context of […]
We live in the cyber era, governments measure their capabilities in the cyberspace with reciprocal attacks of increasing complexity.Every government is developing an adequate cyber strategy investing huge quantity of money in the establishment of cyber units, on formation of groups of cyber experts and on the development of new cyber weapons. In this scenario […]