Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini March 02, 2014
Government-built malware and cyber weapons will run out of control

F-Secure’s Chief Mikko Hyppönen at the TrustyCon explained the risk that Government-built malware and cyber weapons will run out of control. F-Secure’s Chief Research Officer Company Mikko Hyppönen at the TrustyCon conference in San Francisco explained that almost every government is spending a great effort to improve its cyber capabilities building a cyber weapon. “Governments writing […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 23, 2014
South Korea is developing a cyber weapon to hit North Korean nuclear

The South Korea government is working to the development of a cyber weapon to hit North Korean nuclear facilities. It’s Information warfare. The tension between North Korea and South Korea is always high, both governments are spending a great effort to improve their cyber capabilities and to try to silently attack the neighbors. North Korea […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 21, 2014
Italy defined The National Strategic Framework for cyberspace security

Italy – The Presidency of Council of Ministers has published the “National Strategic Framework for cyberspace security” document. The Italian Government has published his cyber strategy, the Presidency of Council of Ministers has issued the “National Strategic Framework for cyberspace security”, it is an important document that for the first time reveals the cyber strategy […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 11, 2014
The Mask – the most sophisticated APT operation seen to date

Speaking at Kaspersky Lab’s Industry Analyst Summit,Costin Raiu revealed details on The Mask campaign, the most sophisticated operation they’ve seen to date. The Kaspersky team recently announced to have detected a new significant APT campaign dubbed The Mask or “Careto” (Spanish for “Ugly Face” or “Mask”), a group of high-level state-sponsored hackers have been targeting government agencies, […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 09, 2014
Cost of conducting APT campaigns is dramatically dropping

Speaking at Kaspersky Lab’s Industry Analyst Summit Costin Raiu, revealed that the cost for APT campaign is dramatically dropping. The cost of developing advanced malware has fallen dramatically malicious code like Stuxnet and Flame are today economically more affordable. It has been estimated that the expense for the development of a cyber weapon like Stuxnet,or for a […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 02, 2014
Admiral Rogers chosen as new NSA director.The man of Information Warfare

The Obama Administration will assign the command of NSA to Michael S. Rogers, the US Government has chosen a military Expert on Information Warfare. The Obama Administration will assign the command of NSA to Michael S. Rogers, presently the U.S Navy’s Cyber Security Chief, will be the new Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 27, 2014
Israeli Defense computer hacked via spear phishing attack

Aviv Raff, CTO at Seculert, confirmed that the attackers have penetrated into the network of Israeli Defense accessing to 15 computers. Israeli Defense is another illustrious victim of spear phishing attack, just on Friday Microsoft suffered a similar attack and attackers breached the email accounts of its staff accessing to documents on law enforcement inquiries. Reuters agency […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 11, 2014
Perception of cyberwarfare in US Defence and society

Which is the perception of cyberwarfare in the US Government and within the American population? How much cost Information warfare to the US citizens? In this post I desire to put together a series of useful information to better understand the perception of cyber threats on both US Government and population. Cyberwarfare is considerable today […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2013

CDM (CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE) PRESENTS: CYBER WARNINGS DECEMBER 2013 EDITION The December edition of the free Cyber Defense Magazine is out. Don’t miss it.   SPONSORED BY RSA CONFERENCE 2014 Read each FLIPBOOK edition electronically, online and flip through the page: CYBER WARNINGS E-MAGAZINE:  DECEMBER 2013 CYBER DEFENSE MAGAZINE: ANNUAL EDITION FOR 2013 Download a color PDF […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 24, 2013
NATO has constituted Cyber Response Teams

The NATO has announced to be close to launch two Cyber Response Teams to protect the infrastructures of the Alliance in the case of cyber attacks. NATO is establishing its reaction units to protect its infrastructure in case of cyber attacks, the organization will set-up exactly two teams for the purpose. NATO is considered a […]