The organization that controls the development of the Bitcoin software warns users that nation-state actors may hit the upcoming Bitcoin Core release. The organization that controls the development of the Bitcoin system,, has warned of possible cyber attacks coordinated by nation-state attackers. Bitcoin Core is the open source client for Bitcoin, the version Bitcoin Core […]
Customers of Cisco and Fortinet security firms need to patch their products to fix the flaws exploited by the Equation Group exploits and hacking tools. While security experts are analyzing the hacking tools leaked in the data dump by the Shadow Brokers, security firms are working to fix the vulnerabilities exploited by the Equation Group toolsets. Both […]
The NSA-linked unit The Equation Group has been hacked and a data dump containing exploits and tools has been leaked online. Is it legitimate? It is the topic of the moment, the group The Shadow Brokers has hacked the NSA-linked unit the Equation Group and leaked online exploits and hacking tools. The hackers had dumped online […]
A group of hackers claims to have hacked the NSA Equation Group, it is selling hacking tools and exploits in online auction. Security experts discussed several times about potential effects of the militarization of the cyberspace. Government-built malware and cyber weapons may run out of control, cyber weapons and hacking tools developed by nation-state hackers […]
Information warfare – The development of cyber capabilities is strategic for any governments, computer systems and Internet of Things even more at risk. By the mid-1990’s the US intelligence agencies, especially the NSA, were beginning to wake up to a grim reality – the world was quickly becoming connected and the tools to connect that […]
Experts spotted a previously unknown APT group dubbed Strider or ProjectSauron that carried out surgical cyber-espionage attacks against targets worldwide. A previously unknown hacking group variously dubbed ‘Strider’ or ‘ProjectSauron’ has been conducting a surgical cyber espionage campaign against targets in Russia, Belgium, China, Iran, Sweden, and Rwanda. According to experts from Symantec, the Strider crew […]
The number of high-profile hacks demonstrates that a silent cyberwar is already ongoing among countries in the cyberspace. The recent hacks of the Democratic National Committee and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the alleged infections spotted by the Russian FSB inside government networks demonstrate the intense activity in the cyberspace. It is a virtual […]
Another attack hit the Democratic Party organization, this time, the Democratic Party’s congressional fundraising DCCC committee was hit by hackers. The Democratic Party organization continues to be under attack, this time, the Democratic Party’s congressional fundraising committee was hit by hackers. According to the Reuters, the FBI is investigating a security breach of the systems of the […]
Authorities in South Korea are blaming hackers from North Korea for a massive data breach affecting 10 million Interpark online shoppers. North Korea launched a new cyber attack against the South, according to the Government of Seoul a massive data breach exposed data belonging to an Internet shopping mall. This week, authorities in South Korea accused […]
In military jargon, the term Red Team is traditionally used to identify highly skilled and organized groups acting as fictitious rivals and/or enemies to the “regular” forces, the Blue Team. Whenever we discuss Information Security from a defensive point of view, we are inclined to think about protection, damage control, and reaction. However, adopting an […]