Cyber warfare

Pierluigi Paganini December 04, 2016
US Presidential commission presents recommendations on cybersecurity

The US Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, tasked by President Barack Obama, issued its final report with recommendations on cybersecurity. Cyber security is a primary issue in the agenda of many countries, the U.S. Presidential commission has recently issued recommendations to urge a proactive cooperation between private and public sectors. The collaboration aims to improve the security […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 02, 2016
FSB accuses foreign hackers of plotting to undermine the Russian banks

According to the FSB unnamed foreign hackers are planning to undermine Russian Banks with cyber attacks and PSYOPS via social media. The Kremlin is accusing unnamed foreign hackers of plotting to undermine the Russian banks in the country. The Russian Government believes that foreign powers plan to conduct a PSYOps to destabilize the banks. Hackers […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 01, 2016
The dreaded Shamoon Wiper is back in a new attack

Shamoon wiper is back, security experts from Palo Alto Networks and Symantec spotted it in an attack on a single Saudi company. Do you remember the Shamoon malware? Shamoon, also known as Disttrack, was first spotted in a wave of attacks that targeted companies in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Among the victims, there was the petrol […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 30, 2016
Hacking – German politicians fear Russian interference in the next election

German politicians fear Russian interference in the next election after the cyber attack that hit at least 900,000 routers. During the weekend an improved version of the Mirai Botnet caused serious connectivity problems to at least 900,000 routers of the Deutsche Telekom. Just after the attack, some experts speculated the involvement of Russian hackers behind the botnet that powered […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 28, 2016
Japan is investigating security breach of Defence Information Infrastructure

The Japanese Government is investigating a reported security breach suffered by the High-speed Defence Information Infrastructure (DII) network. The Defence Information Infrastructure is a high-speed large-capacity communication network connecting SDF bases and camps. The Defence Information Infrastructure comprises two distinct networks, one connected to the Internet and an internal network. The security breach took place […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 12, 2016
Cozy Bear targets NGOs and Think Tanks in post-election attacks

Cozy Bear launched new spear-phishing attacks against US policy think-tanks aiming to infect their systems with a malware. Trump is the new US President, a few hours after he won the election, a hacking crew powered several spear-phishing attacks against US policy think-tanks aiming to infect their systems with a malware. The security experts believe […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 07, 2016
Presidential Election – Russia asks US clarifications for US cyber threats

The Russian Government has asked Washington to provide clarifications on reports that the US cyber army has hacked into Russia’s critical infrastructure and is ready to strike back in case of interference on 2016 Presidential Election. The US Presidential election is very close and the US Government doesn’t want any interference from foreign government. Across the […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 05, 2016
The US Government is ready to hack back if Russia tries to hit Presidential Election

Documents and testimonials collected by the NBC news confirm US Government cyber army is ready to hack back if Russia tries to disrupt Presidential Election The alleged interference of Russian state-sponsored hackers into the 2016 Presidential election is triggering the response of the US. For the first time, a member of the US Presidential Staff has treated another country […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 02, 2016
Recent Windows Kernel zero-day exploited by hackers behind the DNC hack

Executive vice president of Microsoft’s Windows and Devices group revealed that Windows Kernel zero-day recently disclosed was used by the Fancy Bear APT. On Oct. 31, the Google Threat Analysis Group publicly disclosed a vulnerability in the Windows kernel that is actively being exploited by threat actors in the wild. The zero-day could be exploited […]

Pierluigi Paganini November 01, 2016
Philip Hammond invokes an active defence of UK hacking back the attackers

The British Government announces an active defence posture in response to nation-state cyber attacks, Chancellor warns UK will retaliate against attacks. Hacking back, or “active defence” as security experts prefer to call it, is becoming a high debated argument. While the number of cyber attacks continues to increase and attackers are using even more sophisticated techniques, many Governments […]