The Krebs on Security blog reported that there has been a security breach at Global Payments that âmay involve more than 10 million compromised card numbers.â Â We are facing with a massive breach that could impact more over 10 million compromised card numbers, for this reason VISA and MasterCard are alerting banks across US about […]
The news that I wish discuss was published on the website of Forbes magazine, titled “Shopping For Zero-Days: A Price List For Hackers’ Secret Software Exploits“,  that focuses on the commercial value of the vulnerability of popular applications. Time ago the figure of the hacker was recognized mainly as a researcher interested to measures its skills […]
We have always been accustomed to reading incursions of Chinese cyber army into networks belonging to foreign private companies and government institutions. The Beijing government has been accused of pursuing a very aggressive cyber strategy responsible for serious damage to foreign companies. An emblematic case of Nortel, the company spied on for a decade by Chinese hackers ended […]
It has repeatedly reiterated the need for a cyber strategy to reduce risks related to cyber threats from various sources, military, cyber crime or hacktivism. Cyber ââthreats expose our intelligence agencies, our critical infrastructures and our companies to significant risks causing untold perfidious finance. In the area of ââcyber warfare governments have made considerable strides, gained awareness of the […]
Everyone in Italy have read of the attacks made by Anonymous against the Vatican, but very few professionals have expressed a clear position on the incident. Everyone in Italy knows the risks and effects associated with exposure to radio waves emitted by the antennas of radio Vatican, but no one is really the opposite. Children and people […]
Symantec company recently has disclosed the news that the collective Anonymous has deceived his supporters favoring the spread and installing of Zeus malware on their machines. The charge is heavy and would undermine the trust that underpins the recruitment methods of the collective, it seems that all supporters who have participated to various Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) […]
Everything started last week when has been announced that a laptop stolen from NASA during last year contained command codes used to control the International Space Station. The news is sensations as worrying, is it possible to store so sensible information without using any precaution like disk encryption. Are we discussing about an isolated case […]
We live in economically tumultuous days and even more in the cyberspace. Not a day goes by that you do not observe a striking hack, yet another multinational ridiculed and made bare and vulnerable to human eyes. It’s happened with Sony, with RSA with Stratfor, clay giants collapsed at the hands of groups of hactivists, a […]
For several years are known vulnerabilities of GPS systems, but the wide use of these technology in today’s society need a continuous reassessment of the risks we are exposed. The first report in which they were discussed threats to technology is known as the “Volpe Report” that describe which are the main reasons to consider […]
The Chinese government is famous for the high level of monitoring implemented on the internet and in the specific on all the new social media, that is the modern form of censorship, a model that several countries all over the world are taking for example. Â Nothing is changed, the government plans to continue censoring […]