
Pierluigi Paganini May 23, 2012
Iranian hackers against NASA,isolated attack or cyber warfare act?

Exactly on week ago a group of Iranian hackers named Cyber Warriors Team claimed to have compromised an SSL certificate issued to the Research and Education Support Services of NASA.  The press released by the Cyber Warriors Team said that hackers have written an HTTPS protocol scanner to find weaknesses in the NASA website.  A […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2012
LinkedIN – Vulnerability in the authentication process and related risks

A serious vulnerability has been found in the authentication process of the popular network LinkedIN, the news published on the Spanish blog of the security expert Fernando A. Lagos Berardi. The article published reports that a vulnerability in LinkedIn allows obtaining user’s password. For the authentication process LinkedIn adopts a token in login phase that can […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 22, 2012
Who is attacking WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay? The private revenge

Who is attacking WikiLeaks and The Pirate Bay? WikiLeaks and BitTorrent file-sharing site Pirate Bay were hit by a series of DDoS attacks during last weeks. An alleged hacker with the Twitter account @AnonNyre has taken credit for the attacks claiming to be member of Anonymous.The hacker also said that he is no more part of […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 19, 2012
Concerns for Chinese firms and the cyberespionage

We often discuss about warfare and cyberespionage, focusing on the usage of technology to steal intellectual property of foreign states. Of course the countries that have valuable technology skills are most exposed to targeted attacks that daily try to steal information regarding hi tech projects. Japan, US and European Countries are preferred target of many […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 16, 2012
Has Anonymous infiltrated US Government? The insider issue

In last months we have a long discussed about the security status of US networks and infrastructures, we have described the American cyber strategies and the main action proposed to protect the principal assets of the nations. One story in particular struck us deeply, that relating to the vulnerability of U.S. Government networks for admission […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 09, 2012
NFC, business opportunities, security and privacy issues

The NFC technology Near field communication (NFC) is a set of standards for Smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into close proximity. The standard describes a radio technology that allows two devices to communicate at a short distance, no more than a few centimeters, allowing the exchange of […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 06, 2012
They are Not What You Think They are 
 They are Hacktivists

Article Published on The Hacker New Magazine – May Edition “They are Not What You Think they Are 
 they are hacktivists” During the last couple of years, we have witnessed the escalation of operations conducted by the Anonymous group, the collective of hackers that is expressing a social dissent through cyber attacks. In modern society, […]

Pierluigi Paganini May 04, 2012
Anonymous Reloaded. Yesterday, today, tomorrow

The word “Anonymous ” evokes the myth of the hacker in today’s society that defends freedom of expression and agrees with sensational cyber operations in the fight against censorship and government and industrial questionable policies. If Anonymous is perceived by future generations as an attractive ideology to follow, industry and government view with concern the […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 29, 2012
Google used as cyber weapon. New attack method found

True, sometimes the big discoveries are the daughters of the case. That’s what happened to Panos Ipeirotis, a researcher of the New York University, he has discovered a new technique of attack on his Amazon web service using Google Spreadsheets. The methods of attack is a DDoS type and the researcher has named it as Denial of […]

Pierluigi Paganini April 19, 2012
Stuxnet & Duqu, update on cyber weapons usage

We all know about the malware Stuxnet and Duqu considered unanimously the first examples of cyber weapon developed by a government to silent attacks critical enemy infrastructures. We have written a lot on the topic, we have followed with attention the excellent analysis made by experts of the sector such as Ralph Langner and the […]