
Pierluigi Paganini January 13, 2016
The Android Bankosy malware steals banking OTPs

Security experts at Symantec detect a new strain of the Android Bankosy malware that steals passwords sent through voice calls generated by 2FA systems. One-time passcodes, a crucial defense for online banking applications, are being intercepted by a malware program for Android, according to new research from Symantec. One-time passcodes (OTPs) in two-factor authentication scheme […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 07, 2016
Silent Circle promptly patched a critical flaw in the Blackphone I

Silent Circle released an update for its Blackphone 1 that fixes a critical flaw in the modem. Silent Circle has released an update for its Blackphone device that fixes several security vulnerabilities, including a flaw in its modem (CVE-2015-6841) that could have been exploited by threat actors to gain full control of the mobile device. […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 31, 2015
Google will switch from Java APIs to OpenJDK

Google confirms that the next Android versions will use Oracle’s open-source OpenJDK instead the Java APIs, a strategic choice. Google is leaving Java application programming interfaces (APIs) in future versions of its mobile operating system Android. The company is planning to adopt as an alternative an open source solution. What is this OpenJDK? It is an […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 27, 2015
InterApp, the device that can hack any Smartphone

The Tel Aviv-based Rayzone Group is offering for sale a gadget called InterApp that can intercept and exfiltrate information from nearby smartphones. InterApp is a device designed by the Israeli Rayzone Group that can spy on any smartphone. “InterApp system enables to get intimate information of any phone user, which is in the system’s ,proximity. The collected […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 22, 2015
How to Crash WhatsApp with simple smileys

The independent researcher  Indrajeet Bhuyan has demonstrated that is possible to crash the popular messaging app Whatsapp by sending crazy smileys. Crash our Friends’ WhatsApp could be quite easy, this is what the independent researcher Indrajeet Bhuyan has demonstrated by sending crazy smileys. Nearly 4000 simple Smileys are enough to crash our friends’ WhatsApp, the trick works on both […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 21, 2015
iOS Mobile Banking Apps, what is changed from 2013 tests?

The security expert Ariel Sanchez presented the results of the test conducted on 40 iOS banking apps, comparing them to the ones obtained 2 years ago. The banking industry is looking with an increasing interest in mobile platform, financial institutes are offering a growing number of services accessible through mobile devices, but what about security? The security […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 20, 2015
Phone House – Personal data of 12+ million Dutch mobile customers open to hackers

Basically all Dutch citizens who own a mobile phone are at risk of attack due to poor security practices at the Phone House. The  freelance IT security consultant Sijmen Ruwhof discovered that personal info of more than 12 million Dutch mobile phone are open to cyber attacks. Ruwhof  detailed all the security issues he noticed in a […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 18, 2015
A secret cellphone spying devices catalog leaked online

Someone in the Intelligence community leaked online a secret catalog of cellphone spying devices used by law enforcement. The Intercept has leaked online a secret catalog of cellphone spying devices, the precious document has been given to the online publication by someone inside the intelligence community. The person who passed the document to The Intercept […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 08, 2015
BackStab Malware steals iOS and BlackBerry Backups

Security experts at Palo Alto Networks have uncovered a new strain of malware dubbed BackStab that steals local mobile data backups. Security experts at Palo Alto Networks have uncovered a new strain of malware dubbed BackStab that steals local mobile data backups and transfer it to the C&C server. The malware is not able to […]

Pierluigi Paganini December 07, 2015
ISIS members have developed a mobile app for its communications

Ghost Security Group has reportedly discovered an Android mobile application used by members of the ISIS organization for secure communications. According to the Christian Science Monitor, the Ghost Security Group has reportedly discovered an Android mobile app used by members of the ISIS organization. The Ghost Security Group is the notorious group of cyber experts in counter-terrorism networks that is […]