It is the joke of these hours,users are sharing a link to on social media platform that could crash friends’ iPhone and iPad. Do not open any a link to on your iPhone, iPad or even Macs, visiting the website will cause the Safari application to crash and Apple device to restart. Obviously, […]
Security experts at Core Security’s CoreLabs have discovered a hard-coded password and other vulnerabilities in the Lenovo SHAREit File-Sharing App. Lenovo today has patched several security issues related to the presence of a hard-coded password the file-sharing application Lenovo ShareIT application for Android and Windows that is available for free. The application was designed by […]
Apple has fixed a critical vulnerability in its iOS operating system that allowed hackers to impersonate end users. Apple has fixed a serious vulnerability in the iOS operating system that could be exploited by hackers to impersonate users who visit websites that use unencrypted authentication cookies. The issue resides in the implementation of a cookie […]
Experts at FireEye noticed a significant evolution of SlemBunk, a powerful Android Trojan is targeting bank users worldwide. In December security experts at FireEye first spotted the Android banking Trojan SlemBunk, a threat specifically designed to target mobile banking users. The trojan first variants were distributed as copies of legitimate bank apps through third-party websites. The SlemBunk Trojan […]
The IS has developed an Android app dubbed Amaq Agency app demonstrating how powerful modern communications technology can be for a radical group. Which are the communication channels used by members of the ISIS? Which are the messaging services they use? These are the main questions for the Western Intelligence that is attempting to track […]
Security experts at Symantec detect a new strain of the Android Bankosy malware that steals passwords sent through voice calls generated by 2FA systems. One-time passcodes, a crucial defense for online banking applications, are being intercepted by a malware program for Android, according to new research from Symantec. One-time passcodes (OTPs) in two-factor authentication scheme […]
Silent Circle released an update for its Blackphone 1 that fixes a critical flaw in the modem. Silent Circle has released an update for its Blackphone device that fixes several security vulnerabilities, including a flaw in its modem (CVE-2015-6841) that could have been exploited by threat actors to gain full control of the mobile device. […]
Google confirms that the next Android versions will use Oracle’s open-source OpenJDK instead the Java APIs, a strategic choice. Google is leaving Java application programming interfaces (APIs) in future versions of its mobile operating system Android. The company is planning to adopt as an alternative an open source solution. What is this OpenJDK? It is an […]
The Tel Aviv-based Rayzone Group is offering for sale a gadget called InterApp that can intercept and exfiltrate information from nearby smartphones. InterApp is a device designed by the Israeli Rayzone Group that can spy on any smartphone. “InterApp system enables to get intimate information of any phone user, which is in the system’s ,proximity. The collected […]
The independent researcher Indrajeet Bhuyan has demonstrated that is possible to crash the popular messaging app Whatsapp by sending crazy smileys. Crash our Friends’ WhatsApp could be quite easy, this is what the independent researcher Indrajeet Bhuyan has demonstrated by sending crazy smileys. Nearly 4000 simple Smileys are enough to crash our friends’ WhatsApp, the trick works on both […]