
Pierluigi Paganini February 25, 2016
The new iPhone designed by Apple will be unhackable

Apple has begun developing security features for the new iPhone to make it impossible for the law enforcement agencies to break into a locked iPhone The news related to the request made by the FBI to Apple of unlocking the iPhone of Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters has raised the debate on the efficiency of […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 24, 2016
Use of acid and lasers to access data stored on iPhones

While Apple is refusing to support the FBI in the case of San Bernardino shooter Snowden says the FBI can use decapping technique to crack iPhones. Over the last days, there is a huge discussion between Apple and FBI in relation to the access to San Bernardino terrorist Syed Farook’s iPhone. FBI demand to hack […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 22, 2016
Source code of the Android GM Bot malware was leaked online

The experts at the IBM X-Force threat intelligence have discovered that the source code for Android malware GM Bot was leaked online. Bad news for the Android community, the experts at IBM X-Force threat intelligence have discovered that the source code for Android malware GM Bot was leaked on an underground. The source code was […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 20, 2016
San Bernardino shooter’s Apple ID passcode changed in government custody

While discussing the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone, Apple executives said the password changed while it was under the government custody. The discussion about the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone has monopolized media in this week, a US magistrate ordered Apple to help unlock the mobile device, but the company refused to do so. A new shocking […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 15, 2016
Mazar Bot actively targeting Android devices and wiping them

A new malware dubbed Mazar Bot is threatening Android users and has the ability to gain root access to the mobile device and completely wipe it. A new threat is threatening Android users, its name is Mazar BOT and has the ability to gain root access to the mobile device and completely wipe its storage. Mazar BOT could be used by threat […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 15, 2016
Don’t set your iPhone’s Date to January 1, 1970 or your will brick it

Another embarrassing problem for Apple iOS mobile devices (iPhone and iPad),  setting the date of the devices to January 1st, 1970 will brick them. Don’t Try it! Another embarrassing problem for Apple iOS mobile devices, a software flaw could be exploited to permanently kill your iPhone, iPad or iPod. The issue affects the Apple iOS date and time […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 07, 2016
How to thwart the passcode lock screen on iOS 8 and 9?

A security expert discovered an authentication bypass vulnerability in both iOS devices that allows thwarting lock screen passcode. The security researcher Benjamin Kunz Mejri from Vulnerability Laboratory has discovered  an authentication bypass-sized hole in both  iPhones and iPads running iOS 8 and iOS 9 that can be exploited by attackers to thwart lock screen passcode. This […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 07, 2016
Google patched Nexus devices, including a critical Wi-Fi flaw

Google announced to have patched a number of critical vulnerabilities affecting the Nexus devices that lead to the complete hack of the device. Google announced to have patched a critical vulnerability affecting the Nexus devices that could be exploited by an attacker on the same Wi-Fi network. The company confirmed that it is not aware […]

Pierluigi Paganini February 01, 2016
Dozens of games infected with Xiny available on the Google Play

Experts at Dr Web discovered dozens of Android game apps in the Google Play Store have been infected with the Android.Xiny Trojan. Bad news for Android users, according to the security Doctor Web firm dozens of game apps in the Google Play Store have been infected with the Android.Xiny.19.origin Trojan. The malware could allow attackers to control the victim’s […]

Pierluigi Paganini January 29, 2016
Two thirds of the Android devices are vulnerable to Lockdroid ransomware

Experts at Symantec detected Lockdroid a new piece of Android ransomware capable of locking devices and fully wiping user data via factory resets. A new strain of ransomware called Lockdroid (Android.Lockdroid.E) is threatening Android users. The mobile ransomware has been detected by experts at Symantec, it is able to lock the device, change the PINs, […]