
Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2015
Google privacy breach caused by a software defect

Expert at Cisco discovered a privacy breach caused by a software problem, which exposed personal information of users that opted for privacy setting. A software problem occurred at Google have exposed personal information of users that registered their website and had chosen to keep their profile private. The flaw affected the whois database that contains contact […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2015
Microsoft tries to fix again LNK flaw exploited by Stuxnet

A security bulletin recently released by Microsoft addresses the LNK flaw that was exploited by Stuxnet and that we have wrongly considered patched since 2010. If you followed IT in the last years, you might remember that Stuxnet was discovered around mid-2010 and at the time it was used against the Iranian nuclear program. The […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 13, 2015
80 percent of merchants fail PCI DSS compliance assessment

The Verizon’s 2015 PCI Compliance Report reveals that eighty percent of merchants fails interim PCI DSS compliance assessment. According to a new report by Verizon Communications Inc., nearly 80 percent of global merchants, including retailers, financial institutions, and hospitality firms are not in compliance with card data security standards. The Reuters agency reported that 5,000 merchants in 30 countries […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 12, 2015
Malware “TreasureHunter” innovates by using windows products IDs for its dynamic mutex

A new approach based on windows products IDs for dynamic mutex could allow the creation of new malware running undetected on systems for much more time. Before talking about “TreasureHunter” itself, I think it’s worth to give you a background about mutex and as Microsoft says: “For example, to prevent two threads from writing to […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 10, 2015
How the CIA is working to break the security of Apple devices

A new interesting report published by The Intercept details the effort spent by the US intelligence to compromise the security of Apple devices. The Intercept published another disconcerting post on the US Intelligence campaign aimed to steal the secrets of the IT giant Apple. According to top-secret documents disclosed by The Intercept a team of researchers working with the Central […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 09, 2015
Digital Shadows firm develops a search engine for the Deep Web

Security firm Digital Shadows has realized a search engine for the Deep Web that according the company CEO “sucks in pages in real time”. The deep web is the part of the world wide web not indexed by common search engines, it represents almost all of the content available on the Internet. Law enforcement, intelligence […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 07, 2015
Beware, ÎŒTorrent is installing a Bitcoin miner software

Internet users that have recently installed or updated the popular BitTorrent client ÎŒTorrent 3.4.2 Build 28913 may have installed a Bitcoin miner. Internet users that have recently installed or updated the popular BitTorrent client ÎŒTorrent 3.4.2 Build 28913 had a nasty surprise, the application, in fact, installed a Bitcoin miner as explained in this advisory. “Users […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 07, 2015
Which are the principal threats for children online?

Kaspersky Lab experts carried out a study of the principal threats for children encountered in 2014 by users of the Parental Control module. The Internet is a dangerous place for Children, almost every teenager is always online through desktop PC and mobile device, resulting exposed to dangerous threats. The dangers are not negligible for children […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2015
Cleaning up the Cyber Mess: Adopting Cyber Hygiene principles

The increasing number of cyber incidents along with a significant improvement of TTP adopted by threat actors requests the adoption of a cyber hygiene. The rate of data breaches are increasing drastically throughout the year. Cyber-attacks could cause severe disruption to a company’s business functions or operational supply chain, impact reputation, compromise customer information or […]

Pierluigi Paganini March 06, 2015
All Windows systems are vulnerable to the FREAK attack

According to a security advisory published by Microsoft all supported versions of Windows are affected by the recently discovered FREAK vulnerability FREAK is major security SSL/TLS vulnerability recently discovered that for more than a decade left users of Apple and Google devices vulnerable to hacking when they visited millions of legitimate and secure websites. The critical […]