Imperva experts detected a surge in the exploitation of Jboss Application Server as result of the public disclosure of an exploit code. The cybercrime no stops and this time the alarm is related to a vulnerability in JBoss Application Servers that enable an attacker to remotely get a shell on a vulnerable web server. The concerning […]
British blogger revealed that his LG Smart TV collects and sends details about the owners’ viewing habits even if the users have activated a privacy setting. Exactly one year ago we discussed about the possibility to exploit a vulnerability in Samsung Smart TV to penetrate our domestic network to spy on us or to serve a malware. […]
Users of Netflix, the provider of on-demand Internet streaming media, must beware of Silverlight exploit that could allow attackers to hack their systems. A vulnerability in Microsoft Silverlight 5 exposes to the risk of cyber attacks nearly 40 million Netflix streamers, the flaw is being exploited to execute arbitrary code on victim’s systems without any […]
Cryptolocker is considered one of most insidious threat for Internet users, a recent spam campaign targeted 10M UK Users, let’s learn how fight it Recently the UK’s National Crime Agency has issued an alert on a large spam campaign based on CryptoLocker ransomware that is targeting more than 10 million UK based email users. CryptoLocker […]
The energy industry continues to be a privileged target for cyber attacks of hacktivists, state-sponsored hackers and cybercriminals. The alarm from UAE Oil and gas companies are considerable privileged targets of cyber attacks, cybercriminals, state-sponsored hackers and hacktivists daily menace security of infrastructure in the energy industry. The number of attacks worldwide against Oil and […]
Jeremy Hammond was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison, during the process he declared that FBI directed my attacks of Anonymous on foreign governments. Jeremy Hammond, the popular Anonymous hacktivist considered the principal responsible for the disclosure of thousands of emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor was sentenced on Friday to 10 years in […]
The FBI is warning that members of the Anonymous hacking collective have violated networks belonging to multiple government agencies stealing sensitive data The Reuters agency reported that members of the hacktivist group of Anonymous secretly violated U.S. Government networks in multiple agencies and stolen sensitive information. The FBI warned that the hacking campaign began almost […]
At last HP’s Pwn2Own 2013 contest hacking teams from Japan and China compromised iPhone 5 running iOS 6 and iOS 7 and a Samsung Galaxy S4. During the last HP’s Pwn2Own 2013 contest at Information Security Conference PacSec 2013 in Tokyo, two teams of Chinese and Japanese hackers demonstrated the exploitation of zero-day vulnerability in Appleâs Safari browser for […]
Happy Birthday Security Affairs Two years ago I started Security Affairs for joke motivated by my passion in the security, day after day it is growing thanks to your affection and your precious support. I wish you were all here to hug you and have a coffee together, the Italians love coffee đ … Maybe […]
TrendLabs has just published the third quarterly report, titled The Invisible Web Unmasked, on the evolution of cybercrime observed in recent months. TrendLabs have published an interesting report titled titled “The Invisible Web Unmasked” to provide a picture of cybercrime evolution observed in recent months. The takedown of the virtual currency Liberty Reserve, the seizure […]