Cyber Security Analyst Ebrahim Hegazy has found an SQL Injection vulnerability, is the famous Avira Antivirus vendor’s web site. Ebrahim Hegazy(@Zigoo0) Cyber Security Analyst Consultant @ Q-CERT who found a SQL Injection in Yahoo! about two months ago, has found a new SQL Injection vulnerability in the famous Avira Antivirus vendor. The […]
Bluebox Labs recently discovered an Android vulnerability in the OS’s security model that allows hackers to attack 99% of Android devices on the market. Android vulnerability allows app modification preserving signatures … this is the shocking discovery announced by Bluebox Labs. During this week we have had the opportunity to discuss about mobile botnets and […]
Android Hack-Tool discovered by F-Secure confirming that cyber threats targeting Android devices are rapidly growing in quantity and sophistication level. F-Secure has recently announced the discovery of an Android Hack-Tool that is able to steal data from victims. The revelation confirms the concerns of principal security experts that are assisting to the explosion for Android […]
The ICS-CERT issued a new Monitor report that revealed a surge of brute force attacks against control systems mainly belonging to the energy sector. The ICS-CERT issued a new Monitor report that revealed an intensification for brute force attacks against control systems mainly belonging to the energy sector. The ICS-CERT received notification for more than 200 […]
The purpose of this article is to cover the challenges SMBs are facing when it comes to using authentication methods to protect their online websites and applications, and comparing a number of two factor authentication services for SMBs. The report includes: – Why ‘password only’ protection is not enough anymore – The challenges of […]
Principal Security experts are confident that in the next months we will assist to the explosion for Android botnets and in general of mobile cyber threats. Mobile botnets are malicious infrastructures that are increasing with impressive trend especially the Android botnets, considering the capillary diffusion for the Google mobile OS. Android devices are in the hands […]
Checkmarx’s report analyzed the security of the top 50 most popular plugins (in general), as well as the top 10 most popular ecommerce plugins. Today we published our report “The Security State of WordPress’ Top 50 Plugins” (no reg required). This report presents Checkmarx’s research which analyzed the security of the top 50 most popular plugins […]
Stellar Wind, Prism,EvilOlive, ShellTrumpet are the names of some of the US massive surveillance programs revealed recently by the press … The Guardian published new uncomfortable documents that revealed another surveillance program dubbed Stellar Wind that was started in 2001, after the tragic events of 9/11. According to the secret documents obtained by the Guardian, the program was authorized by President George W. […]
Chinese hackers Comment Crew is changing tactics, security firms suspected it due the analysis of principal cyber espionage campaigns targeted their clients. The Comment Crew is back again, security experts suspect the involvement of the Chinese group of hackers in the cyber dispute between U.S. and China. In February The Mandiant Intelligence Center™ released an interesting report […]
Car hacking is today possible due the massive introduction of technology in our vehicles, a hacker that gain access to our vehicles. Car hacking is one of the effect of the massive introduction of technology in our vehicles, a hacker that gain access to our transport is an event that we have seen only in […]